note covers the following topics: Taxation, revenue authorities and ethical
issues, Tax audit and investigation, Tax appeal tribunal and interpretation of
tax laws, Tax planning and tax avoidance, Taxation of incomes, offences and
penalities, Taxation of income from settlement, Trusts and estates, value added
tax, capital allowances, Tax effects of privatisation and commercialisation,
profits, assessable profits and tax payable, persons chargeable offences and
This PDF book covers the following topics
related to Tax : Tax and society, What is tax?, Why we tax, Tax
and choice, The underpinnings of a good tax system, The policy decisions tax
must impact, The ideal tax system, As the Chancellor might put it.
The link directs
to a PDF presentation related to Taxation and covers the following topics :
Optimal Income Taxation, Income Taxation in the US, Simple Model
with No Incentive Issues, Mirrlees Model, Intensive vs. Extensive