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Management and Leadership Books

Management and Leadership Books

There are many online resources where you can find free Management and Leadership books to download in PDF format, including online textbooks, ebooks, lecture notes, and more, covering basic, beginner, and advanced concepts for those looking for an introduction to the subject or a deeper understanding of it.

Principles of Management by David S. Bright

This book online Principles of Management by David S. Bright and others covers the following topics related to Management and Leadership : Managing and Performing, Managerial Decision-Making, The History of Management, External and Internal Organizational Environments and Corporate Culture, Ethics, Corporate Responsibility, and Sustainability, International Management, Entrepreneurship, Strategic Analysis: Understanding a Firm’s Competitive Environment, The Strategic Management Process: Achieving and Sustaining Competitive Advantage, Organizational Structure and Change, Human Resource Management, Diversity in Organizations, Leadership, Work Motivation for Performance, Managing Teams, Managerial Communication, Organizational Planning and ControllingManagement of Technology and Innovation.


s NAPages

Technical Project Management in Living and Geometric Order

This book online Technical Project Management in Living and Geometric Order covers the following topics related to Management and Leadership : Project Management Foundations: Principles and Practices, Strategy, Project Selection, and Portfolio Managemen, Project Initiation, Scope, and Structure, Procurement, Team Formation, Team Management, and Project Leadership, Project Planning, Project Scheduling, Managing Project Risks, Managing Project Value, Budgets, and Costs, Allocating and Managing Constrained Resources, Project Monitoring, Analytics, and Control, Critical Project Management Skill: Negotiation, Project Closure and Audits, Personal and Organizational Project Management Growth, Putting It All Together.


s NAPages

Leadership and management Study

The link provides access to an academic article titled Leadership and Management in Second Generation Medium-Sized Family Businesses: A Comparative Study. The article examines the leadership and management practices of second-generation leaders in medium-sized family businesses. It compares the leadership styles and practices of the second-generation leaders to those of their predecessors, and identifies the factors that contribute to their success or failure. The study employs a qualitative research design and analyzes data collected from interviews with second-generation leaders of family businesses.


s 152Pages

Organizational Behavior and Management

The link directs to a PDF book titled Organizational Behavior and Management and explains the following contents : Rationalist vs. Behavioralist Paradigms, A Model of Ethics in Decision Making, The Local Context: The Houston Economy, The Global and National Competitive Contexts, Perception, Attribution Theory, Operant Learning Theory, Job Design, Equity Theory, Goal Setting Theory, Power, Communication, Decision Making, Personality Theory, Culture, Leadership, Change, Organizational Theory , Teams.


s 46Pages

Management notes Uttarakhand Open University

This lecture note explains the following topics: Evolution of the Process of Management, Skills and Roles of Management Professionals, Key Functions of Management, Management of Tourism and Travel Trade.


s 310Pages

Lecture Notes On Leadership And Change Management

This lecture note explains the following topics: Introduction and skills approach to leadership, Contingency leadership, Transformational Leadership, Organizational Design and Change, Employee Relations and Managing Change.


s 80Pages

Management Control Systems

This note covers the following topics: The New Paradigms of Management Control Systems, Control Lever, Key Controllable Variables, The Traditional Instruments of Control in Organisations - Auditing, Management Control Process, Budgetary Control and Analysis of Variance , Marketing and Distribution Control,Accountability in Organizations – Responsibility, Accounting, Costing, Transfer Pricing, CVP Analysis, Behavioural Aspect of Management Control, Human Resources Accounting, Management Control in Specialized Organisations - Sectoral Applications,Process of Designing and Controlling System.


s 259Pages

Introduction To Management by Jordan University of Science and Technology

This note is designed to introduce students to the fundamental techniques of using data to make informed management decisions. It will focus on various ways of modeling, or thinking structurally about, decision problems in order to enhance decision-making skills.


s NAPages

Strategic Management by Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University

This note covers the following topics: Strategic Management, Environmental Threat and Opportunity Profile, Strategic Advantage Profile, Hierarchy of Strategic Intent, Strategies Formulation, Strategies Formulation, Mergers & Acquisitions, Strategic Analysis and Strategic Choice, Strategy Implementation, Structural Implementation, Functional Implementation, Functional Implementation, Strategic Evaluation and Control, Reaching Strategic Edge.


s 230Pages

Project Management by The Open University of Hong Kong

This book describes the following topics: Project Management: Past and Present, The Project Life Cycle, Framework for Project Management, Stakeholder Management, Culture and Project Management, Project Initiation, Scope Planning, Project Schedule Planning, Budget Planning, Procurement Management, Quality Planning, Communication Planning, Risk Management Planning , Project Completion.


s 265Pages

Introduction to Project Management

This note explains the following topics: Project Performance Dimensions, Project Life Cycle, Project Classification, Project Identification and Formulation, Network Analysis, Project Crashing and Project Control.


s 72Pages

Operations Management by The Open University of Hong Kong

This book covers the following topics: Improving Operations Performance with World Class Manufacturing Technique: A Case in Automotive Industry, Managing OEE to Optimize Factory Performance, Using Overall Equipment Effectiveness for Manufacturing System Design, Overall Equipment Effectiveness for Manufacturing System, Reliability and Maintainability in Operations Management, Production Scheduling Approaches for Operations Management, Enterprise Risk Management to Drive Operations Performances, Important Role of Packaging in Operations Management,An Overview of Human Reliability Analysis Techniques in Manufacturing Operations.


s 278Pages

Managerial Communication by Bharathidasan University

Aims of this note is to develop all forms of communication skills of the students to enable them to conduct well in any business process without any communication barrier. Topics covered includes: Types of Communication, Barriers to Communication, Principles of Effective Communication, Norms for Business Letters, Personalized stand letters, enquiries, customers’ complaints, collection letters, Sales promotion letters, Application letters, Non-verbal communication, Visual and Audio Visual Aids for communication, Dyadic communication, Report Writing, Structure of Reports, Conducting Meetings.


s 109Pages

Quality Management by NPTEL

The purpose of this note is to put quality management into perspective, and to highlight its critical importance, as well as to present in-depth ideas on different methodologies, tools and techniques proposed for product and process improvement. This web course will help readers understand opportunities for product or service or process improvement based on quality management principals.


s NAPages

Management of Services Concepts, Design, and Delivery

This note builds on conceptual frameworks and cases from a wide range of service operations, selected from health care, hospitality, internet services, supply chain, transportation, retailing, food service, entertainment, financial services, humanitarian services, government services, and others.


s NAPages

Project Management for Instructional Designers

The book is well-designed for the intended audience of instructional designers. Topics covered includes: Introduction to Project Management, Project Profiling, Project Phases and Organization, Understanding and Meeting Client Expectations, Working with People on Projects, Communication Technologies, Starting a Project, Project Time Management, Managing Project Quality, Managing Project Risk .


s NAPages

Lectures notes On Production and Operation Management

This note covers the following topics: Productivity, Production System Models of production system, Forecasting, Facilities Planning, Motion study, Production Planning and Control, Project Management, Modern Trends in Manufacturing.


s 98Pages

Leadership and Management Lecture Notes

This lecture note explains the following topics: Changing Organizations, Leadership vs. Management - Are they different, Common Features of Leadership, General Conclusion of a Leader, Job Specification for a Presidency, Power, Authority and Influence, Power, Authority and Influence, Communication, Decision Making, Conflict Resolution, Role of Staff Committee Function.


s NAPages

Strategic Management I Lecture Notes

This note focuses on some of the important current issues in strategic management. It will concentrate on modern analytical approaches and on enduring successful strategic practices. It is consciously designed with a technological and global outlook since this orientation in many ways highlights the significant emerging trends in strategic management.


s NAPages

Management Information Systems

This book covers the following topics: The World Of E-Business, Business Models, e-Business Relationships, Governance Structures, e-Business Technological Infrastructure, XML -The Enabling Technology, e-Markets, e-Procurement, Business Networks, Intermediaries In The Value Systems, e-Business Modeling, Approaches To Middleware, Enterprise Application Integration, e-Business Integration and Loosely Coupled e-Business Solutions.


s NAPages

Lecture Notes On Management Science

This book explains the following topics: Introduction to Management, Designing Organization, Operations and Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, Project Management, Strategic Management.


s 281Pages

People and Organization

This notes examines the historical evolution and current human and organizational contexts in which scientists,  engineers and other professionals work. It outlines today's major challenges facing the management profession. Students will be introduced to concepts and tools to analyze work and leadership experiences in optional undergraduate fieldwork projects.


s NAPages

Managerial Psychology

This note introduces you to behavioral science theories, methods, and tools and provides opportunities to use and apply them to problems you will encounter in your work and career. The course material will begin with an overview of work and organizations in modern industrial society, and then examine individual behavior, move to behavior in groups or teams, and finally discuss organizations as a whole.


s NAPages

The Theory of Operations Management

This note focuses on theoretical work for studying operations planning and control problems. Also reviews the quantitative models and theoretical tools underlying some of the customer-driven operational practices of these cutting-edge companies.


s NAPages

Advanced Communication for Leaders

This note introduces interactive oral and interpersonal communication skills critical to leaders, including strategies for presenting to a hostile audience, running effective and productive meetings, active listening, and contributing to group decision-making.


s NAPages

Advertising Management

This book explains the following topics: Concepts of Advertising, Integrated Advertising Program, Understanding Message Strategy, Media, Campaign Making and Advertising.


s 219Pages

Production Management

This note explains the following topics: Role and Scope of Production Management, Concept of Production Management, Types of Production Systems and Plant Location, Plant Layout, Production Planning and Control, Production Process Analysis, Demand Forecasting, Productivity, Time and Motion Study, Quality Control.


s 218Pages

Management Concepts and Organizational Behaviour

This book explains the following topics: Evolution Of Management Thoughts, Functions Of Management, Planning, Deision-making, Organising, Authority And Responsibility, Recruitment And Selection, Training And Development, Interpersonal Behaviour, Stress Management, Conflict Management And Organisatioanl Change.


s 720Pages

Management Principles

This book covers the followin topics: Introduction to Principles of Management, Personality, Attitudes, and Work Behaviors, History, Globalization, and Values-Based Leadership, Developing Mission, Vision, and Values, Strategizing , Organizational Structure and Change, Organizational Culture, Social Networks , Leading People and Organizations, Decision Making, Managing Groups and Teams, Motivating Employees.


s 720Pages

Optimization Methods in Management Science Lecture Notes

This course note introduces students to the theory, algorithms, and applications of optimization. The optimization methodologies include linear programming, network optimization, integer programming, and decision trees. Applications to logistics, manufacturing, transportation, marketing, project management, and finance. Includes a team project in which students select and solve a problem in practice.


s NAPages

Project Management from Simple to Complex

The text provides an overview of project management and uses the industry standard definitions of the divisions of project management knowledge as described by the Project Management Institute (PMI) to provide grounding in traditional project management concepts. Topics covered includes: Project Profiling, Project Phases and Organization, Understanding and Meeting Client Expectations, Working with People on Projects, Communication Technologies, Starting a Project, Project Time Management, Estimating and Managing Costs, Managing Project Quality, Managing Project Risk, Project Procurement and Closure.


s NAPages

Project Planning, Analysis and Management

This book covers the following topics: Meaning, Nature and Importance Of Project, Capital Expenditure Decision, Market and Demand Analysis, Technical and Financial Analysis, Analysis of Project Risk, Market Risk and Firm Risk, Social Cost-benefit Analysis, Multiple Projects and Constraints, Network Techniques for Project Management, Project Financing in India, Project Appraisal: Assessing The Tax Burden, Environmental Appraisal of Projects.


s 270Pages

Principles of Management by Andy Schmitz

This book covers the following topics: Introduction to Principles of Management, Personality, Attitudes, and Work Behaviors, History, Globalization, and Values-Based Leadership, Developing Mission, Vision, and Values, Strategizing, Organizational Structure and Change, Organizational Culture, Social Networks, Leading People and Organizations, Decision Making, Communication in Organizations, Motivating Employees, Essentials of Control and Strategic Human Resource Management.


s NAPages

Mastering Strategic Management Saylor Academy

This book offers the following: 1: Several graphic displays in each chapter that summarize key concepts in a visually appealing format 2: Rich, illustrative examples drawn from companies that are relevant to many students. Major topics covered includes: Mastering Strategy: Art and Science, Leading Strategically, Evaluating the External Environment, Managing Firm Resources, Selecting Business-Level Strategies, Supporting the Business-Level Strategy, Competing in International Markets, Selecting Corporate-Level Strategies, Executing Strategy through Organizational Design, Leading an Ethical Organization.


s 337Pages

Services Operations Management

This book covers the following topics: Understanding the nature of services, Aligning service strategy and service competitiveness, service design, development and automation, Managing human resource in services, Service quality, Service facility design and facility location, Demand management in services, Capacity management or supply management in services, Managing waiting lines and queuing models, Service inventory and supply chain management., Quantitative models in managing service operations.


s NAPages

The Psychology of Management

This book covers the following topics: General Outline Of The Psychology Of Management, Individuality, Functionalization, Measurement, Analysis and Synthesis, Standardization, Records and Programmes and Incentives.


s NAPages

Practical Leadership

This note covers the following topics: Leadership Frameworks, Communication, Situational Leadership, Influencing Others and Decision-making.


s NAPages

Electronic Engagement A Guide for Public Sector Managers

The objective of this guide is to equip public sector managers to assess the value that new communications and computing technology may bring to their interactions with a range of potential stakeholders.


s NAPages

Managing Transformations in Work, Organizations, and Society

The course note focuses on skills managers need to adapt to current sweeping changes in the nature of work and the workforce, in business organizations and their roles in society, and in the institutions that interact with work, particularly the labor market, community and family centered groups.


s NAPages

Managing Groups and Teams

In this book, the author take a challenge based approach to dealing with groups. Many other books provide conceptual and descriptive treatments of groups and teams. Here we will take a prescriptive perspective, one that focuses on the how to of managing a group or a team. This prescriptive perspective, however, will be rooted in social science.


s NAPages

Introduction to Principles of Management

In the opening chapters, we incorporate an active management perspective to show how leaders and leadership are essential to personal and organizational effectiveness and effective organizational change. Moreover, the concluding section of each chapter is focused on the assessment and development of particular management skills.


s 646Pages

Organizational Leadership and Change

This lecture note focuses on practical experience that blends theory and practice. Students reflect on prior leadership experiences and then apply lessons learned to further develop their leadership capabilities.


s NAPages