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Marketing and Sales Books

Marketing and Sales Books

There are many online resources where you can find free Marketing and Sales books to download in PDF format, including online textbooks, ebooks, lecture notes, and more, covering basic, beginner, and advanced concepts for those looking for an introduction to the subject or a deeper understanding of it.

Sales Management by Lovely Professional University

The purpose of this note is to familiarise students with the principles, strategies and skills of selling and managing the selling function. It will also provides an understanding of the tools and techniques necessary to effectively manage the sales function, the sales organization and the sales individual.


s 229Pages

Personal Selling and Salesmanship

This book online covers the following topics related to Marketing and Sales : Introduction to Personal Selling, salesmanship, Sales Management and Sales Force Management.


s 87Pages

Sales Management by Dr. Pavitar Parkash Singh

The purpose of this note is to familiarise students with the principles, strategies and skills of selling and managing the selling function. This course also provides an understanding of the tools and techniques necessary to effectively manage the sales function, the sales organization and the sales individual.


s 229Pages

Strategic Marketing in the Global Forest Industries

This book online covers the following topics related to Marketing and Sales : The Context of the Forest Industry and its Markets, Understanding Forest Products Marketing, The Marketing Environment, an Information Approach, Strategy and Strategic Planning, Marketing Structures, Marketing Functions, Putting together a Marketing Plan.


s NAPages

Principles of Marketing by University of Minnesota

This book online covers the following topics related to Marketing and Sales : What is Marketing?, Strategic Planning, Consumer Behavior: How People Make Buying Decisions, Business Buying Behavior, Market Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning, Creating Offerings, Developing and Managing Offerings, Using Marketing Channels to Create Value for Customers, Using Supply Chains to Create Value for Customers, Gathering and Using Information: Marketing Research and Market Intelligence, Integrated Marketing Communications and the Changing Media Landscape, Public Relations, Social Media, and Sponsorships, Professional Selling, Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, and Empowerment, Price, the Only Revenue Generator, The Marketing Plan.


s NAPages

Marketing Management Lecture Notes IARE

This PDF covers the following topics related to Marketing and Sales : Introduction to World of Marketing, Analysing Marketing Opportunities, Customer Value and Markting Mix, Designing a Customer Driven Strategy, Distribution Decisions, Promotions & Communication Strategies, Pricing Decision and Personal Communication.


s 78Pages

Marketing Management by Uttarakhand Open University

This note describes the following topics: Evolution of Marketing, Marketing Process, Marketing Mix and Marketing Organisation, Marketing Environment, Marketing Research, STP Concept and Consumer Behaviour, Target Market, Differentiation and Positioning Strategy, Consumer Behaviour, Product and Product Life-Cycle, Product Packaging and Pricing, Branding, Packaging, Pricing, Distribution Channels, Decision Making for Effective Distribution Channels, Promotion Mix and Sales Promotion, Sales Promotion, Sales Forecasting, Sales Force Management and Salesmanship.


s 432Pages

Basic Principles Of Marketing And Management

This note explains the following topics: Definition and Core concept, marketing tools, product, price, place and promotion, Market segmentation, targeting and positioning and analyzing the marketing environment, Study consumer behavior, needs and motivation, group dynamics, social surroundings and consumer perception, Promotion mix,Brand evaluation and new trends in marketing, Communication, Relationship marketing, Network and cyber marketing, E-commerce, Rural marketing in India, Ethics and marketing, Decision making and organization, Communication and control process, Human resource management, Entrepreneurship.


s 486Pages

Marketing And Sales Study Material

This PDF book covers five units of Marketing and Sales for Class X. The notes starts with an introduction to the marketing mix, followed by the marketing process, targeting consumer groups, and the sales process. The course then discusses the different careers available in sales and the skills required for successful selling. The curriculum emphasizes the importance of understanding customer needs/wants, developing strong relationships with clients, and the ability to handle objections and close sales effectively. The course aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the field of sales and marketing.This note covers the following topics: Sales with other functions- Introduction to Marketing Mix, Marketing Process, Sales Process, Careers in selling, Skills in selling.


s 97Pages

Introduction To Marketing by Uttarakhand Open University

This note covers the following topics: Nature, Importance And Core Concept Of Marketing, Different Orientation Towards Market Place And Marketing Philosophies, Marketing Management Process, Services Marketing, Marketing Information System And Market Research, Measuring/forecasting Market Demand, Analysis Of Consumer Buying Behaviour, Concept Of Market Segmentation And Market Targeting, Marketing Mix, Competitive Differentiation And Product Positioning, New Product Development Strategy, Product Life Cycle And Related Strategies, Pricing Strategies, Distribution Channel Strategies, Sales Promotions.


s 254Pages

Introduction to Marketing and Sales

This note covers the following topics: Importance of Marketing, Role of Sales business, Concept of Market, Basic concept of Sales and selling, Understanding customer and consumer, Activities in Sales and Marketing.


s 106Pages

Lecture Notes On Marketing Management

The objective of this note is to have the basic concepts of Marketing which is one of the important areas of functional management. Topics covered includes: Concepts of marketing, Role of Marketing, Marketing Process, Marketing Environment, Consumer behavior, Market segmentations and Marketing Strategies, Planning Marketing Programs , Pricing strategies and promotions, Managing the marketing efforts.


s 76Pages

Lecture Notes On Integrated Marketing Communication

This note explains the following topics: Understanding Integrated Marketing Communication, Budgeting, Evaluation of Integrated Marketing Communications, Creative Execution in Advertising, Regulation, Social and Ethical aspects of Advertising and promotion, Federal Regulation of Advertising.


s 126Pages

Marketing Study Material

This note covers the following topics: Concept and Definition Of Marketing, Scope and Importance of Marketing, Journey of marketing through different Marketing Philosophies, Difference between Marketing and Selling, Fundamentals of Marketing Mix, Features of Marketing mix, Developing Marketing Mix.


s 147Pages

Consumer Behavior Practice Oriented Perspectives

Due to multidisciplinary and multi method character of the concept of consumer behavior, it is appropriate to study it accordingly in order to understand the subject with its different aspects and holistically. Especially with the cultural, social, and technological changes within today's world, this issue becomes prominent. This book is a modest try for that end.


s NAPages

Introducing Marketing

This text introduces students to the marketing strategies and tools that practitioners use to market their products. Topics covered includes: Introducing marketing, Understanding and approaching the market, Marketing research: an aid to decision making, Understanding buyer behavior, External considerations in marketing, Marketing in global markets, Introducing and managing the product, Communicating to mass markets, Pricing the product, Channel concepts: distributing the product.


s NAPages

Marketing Management by Lindell Phillip Chew

This note is designed to help you to extend your thinking more analytically, logically and creatively about marketing and business decisions. Topics covered includes:  Market Orientation, Marketing Management and the Marketing Planning Process, Corporate Marketing Planning, Market Analysis, Market Measurement, Profitability and Productivity Analysis Marketing Strategies.


s NAPages

Sales Management The Dynamics of Selling and Sales Force Marketing

This note will capture the vitality of sales marketing through a realistic view of the exciting world of the sales force service team.


s NAPages

Marketing Strategynbsp; Lecture Notes

This note is aimed at helping students look at the entire marketing mix in light of the strategy of the firm. It is most helpful to students pursuing careers in which they need to look at the firm as a whole. Topics covered includes: Marketing Strategy, Finding Profit Opportunities Strategy, Creating Competitive Advantage, Challenging Competitive Advantage, Creating Corporate Advantage.


s NAPages

Basic Principles Of Advertising And Public Relation

The main objectives of this note is to teach the basic concepts of advertising and its definition. Topics covered includes: Basic Model and process of advertising, Motivational and Persuasional Communication of Advertising, Advertising Public Relation and Publicity, Extension Education, Social Advertising, Advertisement Agencies: Structure and Function, Empanelling and Budgeting, Public Relations: Definition, Role and Function, Growth and Development , Difference between Public Relation and Corporate Public Relation, Public Relation in Public and Private Sector, Crisis Communication and Lobbying, Public Issue Communication.


s 369Pages

Introduction to Advertising

This note covers the following topics: Integrated Marketing Communication, Classification Of Advertising, Advertising Media, Media Planning, Media Research, Economic and Social Aspects Of Advertising, Regulation and Control on Advertising, Advertising Agency, Planning an Advertising Campaign, Advertising Budget, Creativity in Advertising, Advertising Research.


s 201Pages

Basic Marketing

This principles note will incorporate both the traditional and contemporary aspects of marketing comprehensively through a broadened view of marketing. It will examine both the character and importance of the marketing process, its essential functions and the institutions performing them in a thorough and balanced manner.


s NAPages

Principles of marketing by Fred Emerson Clark

The purpose of this book is to treat of the nature of the marketing process, viewing the market structure as a whole and analyzing marketing problems and the devices used in solving them. In doing this author tried to discuss the most fundamental of the problems and principles involved.


s NAPages

Internet Marketing Text

This note explains the following topics: Background and History, How the Web Works: Technology, Consumers Online, Organizations Online, Law, Privacy and Security, Marketing Research, Digital Economics and Stretegy Issues, Products enhanced by the Web, Price, Online Payments for Offline Services, Online Advertising Issues and Trends, Social Media, Other elements of the Promotional Mix and Broader Media Issues.


s NAPages

Rural Marketing

This note covers the following topics: Rural Marketing Environment, Organisation and Functions Of Agricultural Marketing, Marketing Of Consumer Durables and Non-durables, Attitudes and Beliefs Of Rural Markets Structure, Marketing Of Agricultural Inputs, Agricultural Marketing, Classification Of Products and Economic Development, Role Of Warehousing, Processing Of Select Agricultural Products, Role Of Agricultural Price Commission In India, Role Of Co-operative Marketing In India.


s 212Pages

Marketing Management by Guru Jambheshwar University

This book covers the following topics: Marketing: Nature, Scope and Corporate Orientation Towards Market Place, The Marketing Environment and Environment Scanning, Understanding Consumer and Industrial Markets, Marketing Research and Marketing Information System, Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning, Product Decisions: Product Life Cycle and Product Mix, Product Decisions: New Product Development, Branding, Packaging and Labelling, Pricing Methods and Strategies, Promotion Decision: Promotion Mix and Advertising, Sales Promotion, Personal Selling and Publicity.


s 360Pages

Sales Management

This book covers the following topics: Personal Selling, Recruitment and Selection, Sales Training, Sales Meeting and Contests, Sales Territories, Sales Quota, Supervision and Evaluation Of Sales-force, Sales Control and Cost Analysis.


s 202Pages

Core Concepts of Marketing

This text introduces students to the marketing strategies and tools that practitioners use to market their products. The book begins with a discussion of the marketing planning process, continues with a discussion of the preliminary tasks of developing the plan, and concludes with the tactics available to the marketing planner.


s 298Pages

Sales Management An Overview

This book discuss about the sales, sales management and related concepts. Also explains the structure and objectives of a sales organisation. Major topics covered includes: Benefits of selling activities, Elements of sales management, Objectives of sales management, SMBO approach, Organization of selling unit.


s 202Pages

An Introduction to Financial Market

This book covers the following topics: financial markets and instruments, primary markets, secondary markets, financial statement analysis and commodities markets.


s 327Pages

Services Marketing

This note covers the following topics: Service economy and the nature of services, Assessing business opportunities, Buyer behaviour, Understanding customer requirements, Quality management, Service design and development, Marketing communications, Service delivery channels, Brand management.


s NAPages

The Power of Selling

The Power of Selling is the perfect textbook to teach students about the proven process of selling. More important, it teaches students how to apply the tenets of selling to how to sell themselves and get the job they want, with the same process professional sales people learn (or brush up) on their own selling skills.


s 663Pages

Principles of Marketing by Saylor Foundation

Principles of Marketing teaches the experience and process of actually doing marketing not just the vocabulary. It carries five dominant themes service dominant logic, sustainability, Ethics and social responsibility, Global coverage and Metrics throughout in order to expose students to marketing in today’s environment.


s 542Pages

Advertising and Promotion in Real Time

This book is the first of its kind to teach advertising concepts by reverse engineering a real advertising campaign from beginning to end.


s NAPages

The Marketing of Ideas and Social Issues

The objective of this work is to investigate meeting grounds where the theory and practice of marketing overlap with processes of dissemination of ideas and social issues.


s 134Pages

Essentials Of Selling

Selling cannot yet properly be called a profession, but when the importance of training and experience for salesmen is recognized to the same extent that it is for doctors, accountants, or electricians, and when a satisfactory code of ethical practices in selling is developed, it may attain that status. This book explains the following topics related to selling: What is a salesman, appearance and its influence on successful selling, buying motives, canvassing for prospects, sales pre- approach, conduct in the sales approach, sales interview and presentation, handling objections, closing the sale, function of advertising, sales helps, sales tools and product displays.


s NAPages

Information Technology Applications in Marketing

This book covers the following topics: Background and History of IT, How the Web Works: Technology, Consumers Online, Organizations Online, Law, Privacy and Security, Marketing Research, Personalization, Digital Economics and Stretegy Issues, Price, Place and Promotion.


s NAPages

The Challenger SaleTaking Control of the Customer Conversation

In The Challenger Sale, Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson share the secret to sales success: don't just build relationships with customers.


s NAPages

Marketing Management

Marketing Management course note is designed to serve as an introduction to the theory and practice of marketing.It will explore the theory and applications of marketing concepts through a mix of cases, lectures, assignments and group projects.


s NAPages

International Marketing

The 4th edition of International Marketing has been written to enable managers and scholars to meet the international challenges they face everyday. It provides the solid foundation required to understand the complexities of marketing on a global scale.


s NAPages