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Business Books

Business Books

There are many online resources where you can find free Business books to download in PDF format, including online textbooks, ebooks, lecture notes, and more, covering basic, beginner, and advanced concepts for those looking for an introduction to the subject or a deeper understanding of it.

Business Studies Lecture Notes

This note covers introduction to business, Forms of business organisation, Service sector, Buying, Selling and distribution, Consumer awareness, Career opportunities in business, Practical or project work.


s 317Pages

Business Plan Development

This book is designed to help prepare future entrepreneurs to formalize and communicate their business idea to a variety of audiences including potential funders such as banks, other lending institutions, government agencies, and venture capitalists. This course will help ensure that future entrepreneurs understand how to conduct a competitor analysis by asking key questions about their competitors.


s 120Pages

Lecture note for Business Cycles

This lecture note covers Basic real business cycle model, Comparative Statics of Equilibrium in RBC, Quantitative Validity of the Real Business Cycle Model, Extensions of the basic RBC model, Price Rigidity, Models with sticky prices and Monetary Policy.


s 164Pages

Digital Notes On Business Analytics Basics

This note help students in understanding how the managers use business analytics for managerial decision making.


s 124Pages

New Enterprises Lecture notes by MIT

The link directs to lecture notes for New Enterprises that cover various topics related to starting and managing new businesses, including business planning, marketing, financing, and legal considerations. The notes also cover entrepreneurship and innovation, with a focus on developing and executing new business ideas. Throughout the notes, there is an emphasis on practical applications, with real-world examples and case studies. The notes provide a comprehensive guide for aspiring entrepreneurs, covering everything from ideation to launch and growth strategies. Additionally, the notes highlight the importance of understanding the competitive landscape, identifying target customers, and building a strong team to drive business success.


s NAPages

Introduction to Business By Dan Asabe

This PDF covers the following topics related to Business : Introduction, Meaning of Business, Administration, Profit, the Business Environment, Forms of Business, Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Corporation or Join Stock Company, Private Limited Company, Public Limited Company, Corporative, Sources of Business Capital, Organization, Line and Staff Organization, Organic Functions of Business, Research and Development, Business and the Society, the Role of Government in the Regulation of Business, Privatization, Commercialization, International Organization, Economic Community of West African States, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, European Economic Community, Industrialization and Development.


s 87Pages

Introduction to Business by Rice University

This PDF book covers the following topics related to Business : Understanding Economic Systems and Business, Making Ethical Decisions and Managing a Socially Responsible Business, Competing in the Global Marketplace, Forms of Business Ownership, Entrepreneurship: Starting and Managing Your Own Business, Management and Leadership in Today's Organizations, Designing Organizational Structures, Managing Human Resources and Labor Relations, Motivating Employees, Achieving World-Class Operations Management, Creating Products and Pricing Strategies to Meet Customers' Needs, Distributing and Promoting Products and Services, Using Technology to Manage Information, Using Financial Information and Accounting, Understanding Money and Financial Institutions, Understanding Financial Management and Securities Markets, Your Career in Business.


s 743Pages

An Introduction to Business

The text is purposely brief and covers business essentials without burdening students or faculty with unnecessary detail. The sixteen chapters are written using a modular format with self contained sections which can be reorganized, deleted, added to and even edited at the sentence level.


s 890Pages

Business Administration Study Material

This book covers the following topics: Concept of Business, People Management, Business Plan, Business Correspondence, Business Communication, Business and Environment, Technology in Business.


s 119Pages

Fundamentals of Business

This note explains the following topics: The Foundations of Business, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Business in a Global Environment, Forms of Business Ownership, Management and Leadership, Structuring Organization, Motivating Employees, Motivating Employees.


s 442Pages

Business Communication Notes

This note describes the following topics: Concept of Communication, Channels and Objectives of Communication, Methods and Modes of Communication, Barriers to communication, Listening.


s 50Pages

Strategies for Tourism Industry

Today, it is considered good business practice for tourism industries to support their micro and macro environment by means of strategic perspectives. In this respect, the contributions of academics from international level together with the private sector and business managers are eagerly awaited on topics and sub-topics within Strategies for Tourism Industry - Micro and Macro Perspectives.


s NAPages

Business Hints for Men and Women

This note covers the following topics: Common Sense Farming, Documents You Should Understand, Forms Of Deeds And Mortgages, Wills, Letter Writing, Bills, Receipts And Accounts, Who Should Keep Accounts, As To Banks, Savings Banks, Drafts, Money, Postal Business, Telegrams, Business By Express, Taxes, Contracts, Leases, Guarantees, Life Insurance, Insurance, Investments, Bonds As Investments.


s NAPages

Legal Aspects Of Business

Objective of this note is to provide a basic understanding of various statutory provisions that confronts business managers while taking decisions. Topics covered includes: The Indian Contract Act: 1872, Contingent contract, Quasi contract, essentials of partnership, Rights and duties of partner, types of partners, Dissolution of partnership, Sale of Goods Act, Contract of Agency, Relationship of Principal and Agent, Memorandum, The Consumer Protection Act, Cyber Law, Types of Cyber Crimes.


s NAPages

Business Ethics

This note covers the following topics: Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Indian Spiritual Traditions, Ethics in Action, Financial Ethics, Marketing Ethics, Ethics in Human Resource Management Indian Management Thought, Indian Management Models.


s 222Pages

Business Math A Step by Step Handbook

Business math is the study of mathematics required by the field of business. This textbook was written to meet the needs of a twenty-first century student.


s NAPages

Business Communication by Utkal University

This note explains the following topics: Meaning of communication, Dimensions of Communication, Channels of communication, Functions of communication, Barriers in Business Communication, Listening Skills, Reading and Writing Skills, Corporate Communication, Advantages of visual signals, Technical Writing, Report Writing, Business Proposals, Note Making, Dynamics of Non-verbal communication, Presentation Skills, Business letter.


s 196Pages

Computer Applications in Business

This note covers the following topics: Fundamental of Computer Systems, History and Classification Of Computers, Computer Languages, Binary and Other Number Systems, Pc Software Packages, Operating Systems, Spreadsheet Software, Introduction To DBMS, Data Hierarchy and File Structures, Network Topology and Applications.


s 330Pages

Business Plan Development Guide

This textbook and its accompanying spreadsheet templates were designed with and for students wanting a practical and easy-to-follow guide for developing a business plan. Topics covered includes: Developing a Business Plan, Essential Initial Research, Business Models, Initial Business Plan Draft , Making the Business Plan Realistic, Making the Plan Appeal to Stakeholders and Desirable to the Entrepreneur, Finishing the Business Plan, Business Plan Pitches.


s NAPages

Business Model Innovation Global Health in Frontier Market

This note explores successful approaches to delivering healthcare in challenging settings. It analyses organizations to find why some fall short while others grow in size and contribute to the health of the people they serve, and explore promising business models and social enterprise innovations.


s NAPages

Introduction To Business Readings and Workbook

The goal of this note is to provide an overview of the world of business. Topics covered includes: Company Analysis, The Context Of Business, Entrepreneurship And Legal Forms Of Business, Marketing, Accounting, Financial Analysis, And Banking, Management, Leadership And Employees.


s 287Pages

Business Flow System

This book explains the following topics: The Nature and Components of Business, Environment of Business System, Sole Proprietorship and Partnership, Joint Stock Company, Measure of size and factor determining size, Optimum size, the tendency towards larze size, Shareholders, Board of Directors, Chief Executive and Managing Director, Meetings and Resolutions, Winding Up Process, Business Combination and Rationalisation, Public Utilities, Nature and Principles of Management, Functions of Management.


s 273Pages

Business Environment

This note teaches the concept of business environment its meaning, scope and importance. Topics covered includes: Various Aspects Of Business Environment, Globalisation: Trends and Issues, Economic System: Process Of Reforms, Profile Of Indian Economy in 21st Century, Environmental Pollution, Growth of Industries in India, Mergers and Acquisitions, Foreign Investment in India, Indian Financial Environment, Banking and Financial Institutions.


s 466Pages

Introductory Business Statistics

This book explains the following topics: Descriptive statistics and frequency distributions, The normal and t distributions, Making estimates, Hypothesis testing, The t-test, F-test and one-way anova, Regression basics.


s 82Pages

Business Statistics

This book covers the following topics: An Introduction To Business Statistics, Dispersion And Skewness, Correlation Analysis, Regression Analysis, Index Numbers, Analysis Of Time Series, Probability Theory, Probability Distributions, Sampling And Sampling Methods, Sampling Distributions, Statistical Estimation, Testing Of Hypotheses, Non-parametric Tests, Statistical Quality Control, Indian Statistics.


s 106Pages

Business Analysis Using Financial Statements Lecture Notes

The purpose of this note is to advance your understanding of how to use financial information to value and analyze firms. We will apply your economics/accounting/finance skills to problems from today's business news to help us understand what is contained in financial reports, why firms report certain information, and how to be a sophisticated user of this information.


s NAPages

An Introduction to Business Mathematics

These lecture notes provide a self-contained introduction to the mathematical methods required in a Bachelor degree programme in Business, Economics, or Management. In particular, the topics covered comprise real valued vector and matrix algebra, systems of linear algebraic equations, Leontief’s stationary input–output matrix model, linear programming, elementary financial mathematics, as well as differential and integral calculus of real-valued functions of one real variable.


s NAPages

Business Legislation

This book explains the following topics: Essentials Of A Valid Contract, Void Agreements, Performance Of Contracts, Breach Of Contract And Its Remedies, Quasi-contracts, Contract Of Sale Of Goods, Remedial Measures, Nature And Types Of Negotiable Instrument, Nature And Types Of Companies, Formation Of A Company, Prospectus, Share And Share Capital, Borrowing Power Of Management And Meetings, Accounts And Audit, Winding Up Of A Company, Consumer Protection Act, 1986 And Cyber Law In India.


s 456Pages

Business Intelligence Solution for Business Development

This book presents both an overview of Business Intelligence and an in-depth analysis of current applications and future directions for this technology. The book covers a large area, including methods, concepts, and case studies related to: constructing an enterprise business intelligence maturity model, developing an agile architecture framework that leverages the strengths of business intelligence, decision management and service orientation, adding semantics to Business Intelligence, towards business intelligence over unified structured and unstructured data using XML, density-based clustering and anomaly detection, data mining based on neural networks.


s 118Pages

Business Communication

This book covers the following topics: Introduction To Communication, Effective Communication Skills, Process Of Communication, Barriers and Gateways In Communication, Commercial Letters, Business Reports Writing, Oral and Non-verbal Communication, Public Speaking and Presentation, Communication: Negotiations and Legal Aspects, Agency Correspondence in Business.


s 214Pages

A first book in business methods

This book is an attempt to provide a body of practical information pertaining to business matters in a form sufficiently simple for use in the eighth, ninth, and tenth grades.


s 281Pages

Business Economics

This book explains the following topics: Business Economics- Meaning, Nature, Scope and significance, Theory of Consumer’s Behaviour : Utility Analysis, Indifference Curve Approach, Law Of Demand and Elasticity Of Demand, Demand Forecasting, The Organization of Production and the Production Function, Concept of Cost : Short Run and Long Run Cost curves, Concept of Revenue; and Break Even Analysis, Price Determination Under Perfect Competition, Price Determination Under Duopoly and Oligopoly, Price Determination Under Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition and Discriminating Monopoly, Welfare Economics.


s 215Pages

Exploring Business

The author's goals in writing Exploring Business is to introduce students to business in an exciting way and provide faculty with a fully developed teaching package that allows them to do the former. Topics covered includes: The Foundations of Business, Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, Business in a Global Environment, Selecting a Form of Business Ownership, The Challenges of Starting a Business, Managing for Business Success, Recruiting, Motivating, and Keeping Quality Employees, Teamwork and Communications, Marketing Providing Value to Customers, Product Design and Development,  Operations Management in Manufacturing and Service Industries, The Role of Accounting in Business, Managing Financial Resources, Personal Finances, Managing Information and Technology, The Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business.


s 940Pages

A Primer on Sustainable Business

Going green, green business, and sustainable business are topics on everyone’s mind. But what does all this mean exactly? A Primer on Sustainable Business answers that question and provides an introduction to the basics you need to know. Topics covered includes: Operations Management, Human Resources, Finance, Research and Development, Marketing, IT and MIS, Accounting, Sustainability Strategy and Sustainable Business with Case Examples.


s 215Pages

Challenges to Business in the Twenty First Century

This book covers the following topics: Long-Term Financial Security, Challenges of Financial Innovation, On the Economic Consequences of Index-Linked Investing, Questioning Deregulation as a Cause of the Crisis, Media and the Financial Crisis and Why Trade has Survived the Crisis.


s 77Pages

Business Dynamics in the 21st Century

This book introduces new insights into new problems in the aspects of performance and quality improvement, networking and logistics in the interconnected world, as well as developments in monetary and financial environment surrounding private enterprises today.


s 270Pages

Increasing Human Efficiency in Business

This book covers the following topics: The possibility of increasing human efficiency, imitation as a means of increasing human efficiency, competition as a means of increasing human efficiency, loyalty as a means of increasing human efficiency, concentration as a means of increasing human efficiency, wages as a means of increasing human efficiency, pleasure as a means of increasing human efficiency, the love of the game and efficiency, relaxation as a means of increasing human efficiency, the rate of improvement in efficiency: practice plus theory, making experience an asset: judgment formation, capitalizing experience: habit formation.


s NAPages

The A B C's of business

This book covers the following topics: The Complex Character of Our Business Organization, Misunderstanding of Money, Wages and Wealth, The Elements of Banking, Business Consequences of the War, The Abuse of Railways, Speculators and Markets, Good and Bad Times, Internationalism and education.


s 148Pages

Business Arithmetic

Strict conformity to modern conditions is the keynote of this Business Arithmetic book.


s 251Pages

The Age of Big Business A Chronicle of the Captains of Industry

This book covers the following topics: Industrial America At The End Of The Civil War, The First Great American Trust, The Epic Of Steel, The Telephone: America's Most Poetical Achievement, The Development Of Public Utilities, Making The World's Agricultural Machinery, The Democratization Of The Automobile.


s NAPages

The business man's encyclopedia

This book is considered as an encyclopedia for all the business people. All the common terms used in business and commerce are defined thoroughly in this book.


s 172Pages

Creating Capital Money making as an aim in business

The object of this paper is to discuss money-making; to examine its prevalence as an aim among people generally and the moral standards which obtain among those who consciously seek to make money.


s NAPages

Higher Education and Business Standards

This book provides some new ideas in business.


s NAPages

International Trade Theory and Evidence

A comprehensive, balanced text, International Trade: Theory and Evidence is the perfect book for International Trade courses at the undergraduate level.


s NAPages

Morals in trade and commerce

This is a lecture the President of The Bank of California Frank B. Anderson presented before the students of The University of Califronia in Berkley February 15, 1911. It is about Morals and Honesty within trade and commerce.


s 28Pages