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Dream Jobs Teenagers Career Aspirations and the Future of Work

Dream Jobs Teenagers Career Aspirations and the Future of Work

Dream Jobs Teenagers Career Aspirations and the Future of Work

Dream Jobs Teenagers Career Aspirations and the Future of Work is a free PDF book published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) provides insights into the career aspirations of teenagers from different backgrounds, as well as the factors that influence their decisions. The report draws on data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and offers valuable information for policymakers, educators, and employers on how to better support young people in their career development. It can be a useful resource for those interested in workforce development and career planning, as it offers valuable insights into the future of work and the changing nature of employment opportunities. Overall, it is a comprehensive and informative book that can provide useful guidance for both students and professionals interested in various industries and professions.


s56 Pages
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