This note
covers the following topics: Entrepreneurial Function, Classification/types Of
Entrepreneur,elements Of Entrepreneurship, Activities Of District Industries
Centre, Functions Of Icici, Incubation And Acceleration,new Venture Financing,
Business Process Management, Business Incubators, Angel Investor, Business
Author(s): Sathyabama institute of science and technology
This note covers
entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship development, Characteristics of Indian
Agricultural Processing and Export Industry, SWOT analysis, Entrepreneurial
behavior, Government schemes, Market survey, formulation of project, financial
analysis of project, Communication Skills.
refers to all those activities which are to be carried out by a person to
establish and to run the business enterprises in accordance with the changing
social, political and economic environments. This downloadable PDF online book covers the following
topics : Entrepreneurship, Introduction, The Entrepreneurial Mindset and
Personality, Launching An Entrepreneurial Venture.