Chemistry BooksNuclear Chemistry Books

Elements of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences

Elements of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences

Elements of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences

This note explains the following topics: Classical Two-Body Kinematics, Special Relativity, Particle-like Nature of Waves, Wave-like properties of Particles, The Shrodinger equation, The Rutherford-Bohr model of the Atom, The Hydrogen Atom, Many-Electron Atoms, Nuclear Properties, Force Between Nucleons, Radioactive Decay.


sNA Pages
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Surface Chemistry and Nuclear Chemistry

Surface Chemistry and Nuclear Chemistry

The pdf notes cover the following topics : Phase Rule and Catalysis, Kinetics of Catalytic Reactions, Adsorption, Micelles, Nuclear Chemistry.

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Fusion Reactor Technology

Fusion Reactor Technology

This note deals with key issues of fusion reactor technologies based on magnetic confinement, focusing on the tokamak concept. Overview of the fusion power plant system will be introduced and energetics of which will be addressed. Then, the way how to build and operate a tokamak is going to be covered.

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Introduction to Ionizing Radiation

Introduction to Ionizing Radiation

This note provides an introduction to the basic properties of ionizing radiations and their uses in medicine, industry, science, and environmental studies. Also discusses natural and man-made radiation sources, energy deposition and dose calculations, and various physical, chemical, and biological processes and effects of radiation, with examples of their uses, and principles of radiation protection.

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Nuclear Reactor Theory by Hiroshi Sekimoto

Nuclear Reactor Theory by Hiroshi Sekimoto

This textbook will stimulate the interest of students in nuclear reactor theory and help them to master the topic within a short period of time. This textbook is composed of two parts. Part 1, Elements of Nuclear Reactor Theory, is composed of only elements but the main resource for the lecture of nuclear reactor theory, and should be studied as common knowledge. Part 2, Reactor Analysis is aimed to cover all areas of reactor physics and contains detailed descriptions.

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Basics of nuclear chemistry (PDF 32p)

Basics of nuclear chemistry (PDF 32p)

This note covers the following topics: What is Nuclear Chemistry, Radioactivity, Decays, Half-life, What we do at the Cyclotron.

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The Living Textbook of Nuclear Chemistry

The Living Textbook of Nuclear Chemistry

The Living Textbook of Nuclear Chemistry is an attempt to gather on a single website a number of supplemental materials related to the study and practice of nuclear chemistry.

sNA Pages