This note provides an
introduction to the basic properties of ionizing radiations and their uses in
medicine, industry, science, and environmental studies. Also discusses natural
and man-made radiation sources, energy deposition and dose calculations, and
various physical, chemical, and biological processes and effects of radiation,
with examples of their uses, and principles of radiation protection.
The purpose of this book is to emphasize the importance of the existence
of the radioactive gas radon in the environment and to make this natural
phenomenon a top issue because radon is included in class A human
This note provides an
introduction to the basic properties of ionizing radiations and their uses in
medicine, industry, science, and environmental studies. Also discusses natural
and man-made radiation sources, energy deposition and dose calculations, and
various physical, chemical, and biological processes and effects of radiation,
with examples of their uses, and principles of radiation protection.
The study of radiation
effects has developed as a major field of materials science from the beginning,
approximately 70 years ago. Its rapid development has been driven by two strong
influences. The properties of the crystal defects and the materials containing
them may then be studied. The book is distributed in four sections: Ionic
Materials; Biomaterials; Polymeric Materials and Metallic Materials.
This book explains the basic
principles of nuclear chemistry at the level of undergraduate college students
who has some familiarity with scientific concepts and terminology.