Chemistry BooksAgricultural Chemistry Books

Elements of Scientific Agriculture

Elements of Scientific Agriculture

Elements of Scientific Agriculture

This note covers the following topics: Organic elements of plants, inorganis parts of plants, sources of the organic food of plants, The organic substances of plants, The Soil, Manures, composition of different crops, Application of the crops in feeding, Milk and diary products, recapitulation.


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Soil Chemistry Course Notes

Soil Chemistry Course Notes

This note covers the following topics: Soil- A Three Phase System, The Solid Phase- Surfaces In Soil and Their Reactivity, The Solution Phase Review of Solution Phase Chemistry and Discussion of Solutions in The Soil Matrix, Interaction Between Solid and Solution Phase- General Solubility Relationships, Carbonate Equilibria and Solubility, Cation Exchange Reactions in Colloidal Systems, Soil Buffering and Soil pH Redox Reactions in Soil Systems.

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Elements of Agricultural Chemistry

Elements of Agricultural Chemistry

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Agriculture and forestry

Agriculture and forestry

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Soil Survey Manual

Soil Survey Manual

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Near Infrared Spectroscopy An Overview (PDF slides 35P)

Near Infrared Spectroscopy An Overview (PDF slides 35P)

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