Chemistry BooksSpectroscopy Books

Infrared Spectroscopy Life and Biomedical Sciences

Infrared Spectroscopy Life and Biomedical Sciences

Infrared Spectroscopy Life and Biomedical Sciences

This informative and state-of-the art book on Infrared Spectroscopy in Life sciences designed for researchers, academics as well as for those working in industry, agriculture and in pharmaceutical companies features 20 chapters of applications of MIRS and NIRS in brain activity and clinical research. Topics covered includes: Infrared Spectroscopy in Life and Biomedical Sciences, Use of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in the Management of Patients in Neonatal Intensive Care Units,Effects of Sleep Debt on Cognitive Performance and Prefrontal Activity in Humans, Applications of Near Infrared Spectroscopy in Neurorehabilitation, Using NIRS to Investigate Social Relationship in Empathic Process.


s378 Pages
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