Fundamentals and Applications of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
This note provides an overview of the principles and applications
of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, a powerful technique for elemental
analysis. Prof. Yalc discusses the physics that underlies LIBS, including the
formation and evolution of laser plasmas, and shows the components of a LIBS
system, including lasers, optics, and detection systems. The note explores
further the use of laser plasma excitation for spectrochemical analysis, which
is applicable to gases, liquids, solids, and particles. A special issue like
double pulse LIBS, resonance-enhanced LIBS, and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF-LIBS)
are also covered. The importance of this note lies in the recent advances and
applications in the areas of materials science as well as environmental
Author(s): Prof. Dr.
Serife H. Yalc
NA Pages