Chemistry BooksQuantum Chemistry Books

Quantum Chemistry for Large Systems by Elias Rudberg

Quantum Chemistry for Large Systems by Elias Rudberg

Quantum Chemistry for Large Systems by Elias Rudberg

This note covers Hartree fock theory, Density functional theory, Integral evaluation, Coulomb matrix construction, Exchange matrix construction, Density matrix purification, Storage and manipulation of matrices, Large quantum chemistry calculations in practice and final remarks.


s68 Pages
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Introduction to quantum chemistry by Julien Toulouse

This note describes the following topics: quantum mechanics of a single electron, Quantum chemistry of two electrons, Quantum chemistry of N electrons.

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Quantum Chemistry by Mark S. Gordon

Quantum Chemistry by Mark S. Gordon

This note explains the following topics: Introduction to Quantum Chemistry, Introduction to GAMESS, From Schrodinger to Hartree-Fock, Basis Sets and Pseudopotentials, Density Functional Theory, Introduction to MCSCF, Solvation Methods, Excited States Methods, Composite Methods, Global Optimization and Coarse Graining.

sNA Pages