This PDF covers the following topics
related Religious Law and seeks to introduce core textual,
theological , and legal components, along with historical impact,
while examining different phases, through its sources and methodologies, leading
to development of schools of opinions and legal theories. The course will
examine texts, history and current issues in Islamic Law and its enforcement and
will also study principles, concepts and terminology of Islamic Jurisprudence
and Muslim Law, introduce some aspects of Islamic law pertaining to substantive
areas, like constitutional, commercial, international, and criminal laws and
some specific areas like marriage, divorce, child custody, succession and wills.
These areas will be examined with reference to the law of the land and some
cases discussed in US courts in the context of Islamic Law.
This lecture note
contains introduction, Religious, Dimensions of Law, The Influence of
Christianity on the Development of Western Law, Law as a Dimension of Religion,
Beyond Law and Beyond Religion.