Medical Bookshematology Books

Inherited Hemoglobin Disorders

Inherited Hemoglobin Disorders

Inherited Hemoglobin Disorders

The book, Inherited Hemoglobin Disorders, describes the genetic defects of hemoglobins, disease complications, and therapeutic strategies. This book has two distinct sections. The first theme includes seven chapters devoted to the types of hemoglobinopathies, mutation spectrum, diagnostic methods, and disease complications, and the second theme includes three chapters focusing on various treatment strategies. Major topics covered includes: Hemoglobinopathy Approach Diagnosis and Treatment Policy, Thalassemia, Sickle Cell Disease, Acute Splenic Sequestration Crisis, Sickle Cell Disease.


s194 Pages
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Inherited Hemoglobin Disorders

Inherited Hemoglobin Disorders

The book, Inherited Hemoglobin Disorders, describes the genetic defects of hemoglobins, disease complications, and therapeutic strategies. This book has two distinct sections. The first theme includes seven chapters devoted to the types of hemoglobinopathies, mutation spectrum, diagnostic methods, and disease complications, and the second theme includes three chapters focusing on various treatment strategies. Major topics covered includes: Hemoglobinopathy Approach Diagnosis and Treatment Policy, Thalassemia, Sickle Cell Disease, Acute Splenic Sequestration Crisis, Sickle Cell Disease.

s194 Pages