Introduction to the Surgery by Charles University
This PDF book covers
the following topics related to Introduction to the Surgery : Introduction,
History of Surgery, Surgical Specialities, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation ,
Shock, Asepsis, Antisepsis, Means and Types of Sterilization, and Disinfection,
Anaesthesia, Examination of the Patient in Surgery, Basic Guide of Medical
Documentation in Surgery, Common Surgical Problems, Inflammation and Infection
in Surgery Wound, Local, Systemic, Prevention of Tetanus, Nosocomial
Infection, Wound Types, Their Characteristics, and Wound Healing, Preoperative
Preparation of the Patient, the Surgical Team. Operating Theatre and Operating
Theatre Equipment. Operating Theatre Management, Technologies in Surgery,
Haemorrhage, Physiological and Surgical Hemostasis, Surgical Medical Supplies �
Bandages and Dressings, Suture Materials, Basic Surgical Instruments,
Administration of Medicaments, Surgical Drainage, Cathetrization, Local and
General Postoperative Treatment, Postoperative Complications, Nutrition and
Dietetics in Surgery, Physiotherapy in Surgery.
Author(s): Charles University, Prague
149 Pages