Pharmacology is
the study of interaction of drugs with living organisms. It also includes
history, source, physicochemical properties, dosage forms, methods of
administration, absorption, distribution mechanism of action, biotransformation,
excretion, clinical uses and adverse effects of drugs. This PDF covers the
following topics related to Pharmacology : General pharmacology, Drugs acting on
autonomic nervous system, Cardiovascular-renal drugs, Autacoids and their
antagonists, Drugs Action on the Respiratory System, Drugs used in
Gastrointestinal Diseases, Drugs used to treat the diseases of blood,
inflammation and gout, Drugs acting in the central nervous system, Endocrine
Drugs, Chemotherapeutic Agents, Toxicology, Prescription writing and rational
use of drugs.
Author(s): Teferra Abula, Srinivasa A.Rao, Amare Mengistu, Solomomon
Worku, Eshetu Legesse, Musie Aberra, Dawit, University of Gondar
This note
explain the following topics: drug discovery, mechanisms, pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics, It discusses
the autonomic nervous system, specific drugs for various conditions,
antibiotics, hormonal therapies, and immunopharmacology and also includes drug
interactions, poisoning and skin pharmacology.
Author(s): University of Basrah, Department of Pharmacology
The purpose of the textbook is to
help the students of higher medical institutions of the 4th level of
accreditation to study general concepts of Pharmacology and properties of drugs
acting on different systems of the human body. This textbook has been prepared
in order to improve the students’ self-training for the lessons under the
conditions of implementation of the educational system of Bolonga.
Author(s): The
Ministry of Public Health Care of Ukraine
Biopharmaceuticals are derived from biological sources,
either live organisms or their active components; nowadays, they are mainly
produced by biotechnologies. This book encompasses the discovery, production,
application, and regulation of biopharmaceuticals to demonstrate their research
achievement, prospects, and challenges.
Pharmacology is
the study of interaction of drugs with living organisms. It also includes
history, source, physicochemical properties, dosage forms, methods of
administration, absorption, distribution mechanism of action, biotransformation,
excretion, clinical uses and adverse effects of drugs. This PDF covers the
following topics related to Pharmacology : General pharmacology, Drugs acting on
autonomic nervous system, Cardiovascular-renal drugs, Autacoids and their
antagonists, Drugs Action on the Respiratory System, Drugs used in
Gastrointestinal Diseases, Drugs used to treat the diseases of blood,
inflammation and gout, Drugs acting in the central nervous system, Endocrine
Drugs, Chemotherapeutic Agents, Toxicology, Prescription writing and rational
use of drugs.
Author(s): Teferra Abula, Srinivasa A.Rao, Amare Mengistu, Solomomon
Worku, Eshetu Legesse, Musie Aberra, Dawit, University of Gondar
Basic Concepts in Pharmacology: What You Need to Know for Each Drug
Class is not a conventional review book for pharmacology. It is a book to help
you organize your attack on the hundreds of drugs covered in pharmacology
classes today. Our survey for the first edition of this book made it clear that
it is the number of drugs in a particular class that students find overwhelming.
This fear causes many students to lose focus on the most important part of
pharmacology—the concepts.
The guideline on Drug misuse sets out clear, evidence-based recommendations
for healthcare staff on how to work with people who misuse opioids to
significantly improve their treatment and care, and to deliver detoxification
safely and effectively.
Author(s): National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health
book explains the following topics: Continental Medicine Chests, Treason, Poison
and Siege, , Privateers To The Rescue, Brisk Business In Boston, Valley Forge.