This book covers the following topics related to forensic
medicine and toxicology: Modes of Dying, Sudden Death, Signs op Death,
Post-mortem Examinations and Exhumations, Blood Stains, Spectra, and Biological
Tests, Burns and Scalds, Contusions and Bruises, Suffocation, Hanging,
Strangling, and Throttling, Death from Starvation, Cold and Heat, Lightning and
Electricity, Infanticide, Live Birth, Cause of Death to the Fcetus, Inheritance,
Legitimacy, Mental unsoundness. General Symptoms of Insanity, Mania,
Melancholia, Dementia, Restraint of the Insane.
This book covers the following topics related to forensic
medicine and toxicology: Modes of Dying, Sudden Death, Signs op Death,
Post-mortem Examinations and Exhumations, Blood Stains, Spectra, and Biological
Tests, Burns and Scalds, Contusions and Bruises, Suffocation, Hanging,
Strangling, and Throttling, Death from Starvation, Cold and Heat, Lightning and
Electricity, Infanticide, Live Birth, Cause of Death to the Fcetus, Inheritance,
Legitimacy, Mental unsoundness. General Symptoms of Insanity, Mania,
Melancholia, Dementia, Restraint of the Insane.
This book
covers the following topics: Forensic Medico-legal Procedures,
Asphyxia, Poisoning, Wounds, Injuries and Firearms, Natural Causes of Sudden
This book covers the following topics: Age of the foetus, Kinds of
death peculiar to newborn children, Death of the child subsequent to birth,
Instruction in forensic medicine, The forensic medical officials Statutory
regulations, The medico-legal investigation, Disputed Sexual Relations, Disputed
loss of virginity and Disputed delivery.
guide explains the following topics: Medicolegal Death Investigation, Forensic Autopsies, Standard Identification
Procedures, External Examinations: General Procedures and Specific Procedures,
Internal Examination, Ancillary Tests and Support Services.
Author(s): Garry
F. Peterson, M.D. and Steven C. Clark, Ph.D.
article covers the following topics: Duty of Procurator fiscal to enquire
into deaths, Deaths to be reported to the Procurator Fiscal, Deaths Under
Medical Care/Medical Mishap, Deaths of Persons Receiving Dental Treatment,
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Post Perinatal Infant Mortality, Control of a
Dead Body, Decision to Instruct and Autopsy, Medical Research – Hospital
Autopsy, Choice of Medical Experts, Deaths where there is a Possibility of
Criminal Proceedings, Identification of Body, Extent of Examination, Attendance
at Autopsy, Human Tissue Act 1961, Where the Procurator Fiscal consents to the
removal of parts of the body and Persistant Vegetative State.