Medical Booksfamilymedicine Books

The family physician being a collection of useful family remedies

The family physician being a collection of useful family remedies

The family physician being a collection of useful family remedies

The intention of the book Family Physician is, to direct a right use of those medicines which are necessary to be kept in families, whose distance from a good practitioner, or any other circumstance, renders an immediate application in sudden illnesses almost impossible, and occasions those delays in trifling complaints, which oftentimes prove of very bad consequence.


sNA Pages
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The family physician being a collection of useful family remedies

The family physician being a collection of useful family remedies

The intention of the book Family Physician is, to direct a right use of those medicines which are necessary to be kept in families, whose distance from a good practitioner, or any other circumstance, renders an immediate application in sudden illnesses almost impossible, and occasions those delays in trifling complaints, which oftentimes prove of very bad consequence.

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Manual de Condutas Mdicas

Manual de Condutas Mdicas

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Family Practice Inquiries Network

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Associazione Italiana Medici di Famiglia [Italiano]

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Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin [Deutsch]

Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin [Deutsch]

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Health Canada Rural Health

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Malta College of Family Doctors

Malta College of Family Doctors

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Office of Rural and Northern Health (Canada)

Office of Rural and Northern Health (Canada)

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Rural Doctors Association of Australia

Rural Doctors Association of Australia

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Sociedad Espaola de Medicina Rural y Generalista [Espaol]

Sociedad Espaola de Medicina Rural y Generalista [Espaol]

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Society of Teachers of Family Medicine

Society of Teachers of Family Medicine

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CME   American Academy of Family Physicians

CME American Academy of Family Physicians

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