Medical Booksfamilymedicine Books

Association of Family Practice Residency Directors

Association of Family Practice Residency Directors

Association of Family Practice Residency Directors

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s Pages
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Eating Disorders Recognition and Treatment

Eating Disorders Recognition and Treatment

Eating disorder are usually long-lasting and have serious implications, including risk of death, impaired health, psychiatric comorbidity and poor quality of life for the patient and those around them. This guideline covers the following groups: Children, young people and adults with an eating disorder, including atypical presentations, or a suspected eating disorder.

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Family Medicine by World Health Organization

Family Medicine by World Health Organization

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The family physician being a collection of useful family remedies

The family physician being a collection of useful family remedies

The intention of the book Family Physician is, to direct a right use of those medicines which are necessary to be kept in families, whose distance from a good practitioner, or any other circumstance, renders an immediate application in sudden illnesses almost impossible, and occasions those delays in trifling complaints, which oftentimes prove of very bad consequence.

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The home doctor, a complete manual of family medicine

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Family Practice Notebook

Family Practice Notebook

Family Practice Notebook is a library contains many topics related to family medicine.

sNA Pages

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s Pages
Health Canada   Rural Health   Advisory Council on Rural Health

Health Canada Rural Health Advisory Council on Rural Health

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s Pages
Oxbridge Solutions   GP Notebook

Oxbridge Solutions GP Notebook

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s Pages
Association of Departments of Family Medicine

Association of Departments of Family Medicine

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s Pages
European Working Party on Quality in Family Practice

European Working Party on Quality in Family Practice

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s Pages
Health Canada   Rural Health

Health Canada Rural Health

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s Pages
Sociedad Espaola de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria [Espaol]

Sociedad Espaola de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria [Espaol]

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s Pages
Sociedad Espaola de Medicina Rural y Generalista [Espaol]

Sociedad Espaola de Medicina Rural y Generalista [Espaol]

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s Pages
World Organisation of Family Doctors

World Organisation of Family Doctors

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s Pages
Complete Home Medical Guide

Complete Home Medical Guide

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s Pages