This note covers Epidemiology Definition, functions, and
characteristics, An evolving historical perspective, Studying populations basic
demography, The Phenomenon of Disease, Measuring Disease and Exposure,
Standardization of rates and ratios, Relating risk factors, Analytic study
designs, Causal inference, Sources of error, Multicausality Confounding,
Multicausality Analysis approaches, Data analysis and interpretation, Practical
aspects of epidemiologic research, Data management and data analysis and
Epidemiology and public health.
Author(s): Department of Epidemiology School
of Public Health
This note explains the following topics: goals, History, Basic concepts, Dynamics and
analysis, Inference problems, Control and optimization, Surveillance and
Author(s): Madhav V. Marathe, Naren Ramakrishnan and Anil Kumar
This note covers
Concept of Health and Disease, Infectious disease epidemiology, Disease
prevention and control, Disease screening and Epidemics investigation.
This note covers Epidemiology Definition, functions, and
characteristics, An evolving historical perspective, Studying populations basic
demography, The Phenomenon of Disease, Measuring Disease and Exposure,
Standardization of rates and ratios, Relating risk factors, Analytic study
designs, Causal inference, Sources of error, Multicausality Confounding,
Multicausality Analysis approaches, Data analysis and interpretation, Practical
aspects of epidemiologic research, Data management and data analysis and
Epidemiology and public health.
Author(s): Department of Epidemiology School
of Public Health
This note explains the following topics: History of Epidemiology and
Public Health, Disease Transmission, Measures of Morbidity, Measures of
Mortality, Mortality in Different Populations, Transmissible Spongiform
Encephalopathy, Arteriosclerosis and Coronary Heart Disease, Influenza.
This note covers the following topics: Uses of Epidemiology, Two Broad
Types of Epidemiology, The Epidemiologic Triangle, Epidemiologic Activities ,
Measuring Disease Occurrence, Direct Standardization of Measures of Disease
Occurrence, Indirect standardization with examples in Stata, Measures of effect
I Risk Difference and Attributable Fraction with examples in Stata.