Physics BooksQuantum Physics Books

The Adventure of Physics Vol. IV The Quantum of Change

The Adventure of Physics Vol. IV The Quantum of Change

The Adventure of Physics Vol. IV The Quantum of Change

This book is written for anybody who is curious about nature and motion. It covers the following topics: Minimum action: quantum theory for poets, Light: the strange consequences of the quantum of action, Motion of matter: beyond classical physics, The quantum description of matter and its motion, Permutation of particles, Rotations and statistics: visualising spin, Superpositions and probabilities, quantum theory without ideology, Colours and other interactions between light and matter and Quantum physics in a nutshell.


s270 Pages
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The Adventure of Physics   Vol. IV The Quantum of Change

The Adventure of Physics Vol. IV The Quantum of Change

This book is written for anybody who is curious about nature and motion. It covers the following topics: Minimum action: quantum theory for poets, Light: the strange consequences of the quantum of action, Motion of matter: beyond classical physics, The quantum description of matter and its motion, Permutation of particles, Rotations and statistics: visualising spin, Superpositions and probabilities, quantum theory without ideology, Colours and other interactions between light and matter and Quantum physics in a nutshell.

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