Physics BooksIntroductory Physics Books

Newtonian Physics

Newtonian Physics

Newtonian Physics

This is an introductory text intended for a one-year introductory course of the type typically taken by biology majors. Topics covered includes: Scaling and estimation, Velocity and relative motion, Acceleration and free fall, Force and motion, Analysis of forces, Newton's laws in three dimensions, Vectors and motion, Circular motion, Gravity, Conservation of energy, Simplifying the energy zoo, Work: the transfer of mechanical energy, Conservation of momentum, Thermodynamics, Vibrations, Resonance, Free waves, Bounded waves, Electricity and circuits, The nonmechanical universe, Relativity and magnetism, Electromagnetism, Capacitance and inductance, General relativity, The ray model of light, Images by reflection, Refraction, Wave optics, Rules of randomness, Light as a particle, atter as a wave and The atom.


sNA Pages
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Accelerator Physics

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Physics Lecture Notes by Keith Fratus

Physics Lecture Notes by Keith Fratus

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University Physics I Lecture Notes

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Lecture Notes on Modern Physics

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This note explains the following topics: Special relativity, Minkowski space time diagram, Doppler effect, Relativistic mechanics, Relativity of magnetic and electric fields, Compton effect, Davisson and Germer electron diffraction, Understanding of Davisson-Germer experiment, Rutherford scattering, x-ray diffraction, Crystal structure and reciprocal lattice, Black body problem, Radiation, Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty, One dimensional barrier problems, Bohr model, Schrodinger equation, Wave packets, One dimensional bound states, Simple harmonics, Quantum box, Hydrogen atom, Real hydrogen atom, Stern-Gerlach experiment, Periodic table and Hund's law, Boltzmann theory of gas, Bose-Einstein condensation, BEC in alkali atoms, Fermi-Dirac distribution function, White dwarf and neutron star,Superconductivity, Josephson effect, Laser physics, Maser physics, Bloch theorem and energy band, Electrical conductivity in metals, Charge density wave, Ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism.

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Physics Notes by Wright

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Physics Study Guides

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Worked Examples from Introductory Physics Vol. I Basic Mechanics

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General Physics Notes

General Physics Notes

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sNA Pages