Computer Science BooksComputer Architecture Books

Architecture of High Performance Computers

Architecture of High Performance Computers

Architecture of High Performance Computers

This note will give an introduction to designing and programming high performance processors. Topics covered includes: Branch Prediction, renaming, precise interrupts, Register Renaming, Wakeup, Bypass, Broadcast, Load-Store Queue, Commit, Recovery from speculation: RRF and RRAT, SRAM vs CAM based checkpoint, ROB based OOO processor design Little's Law, Non-Selective and Deferred Selective Replay, SRAM and DRAM Cells, CAM Cells, Pentium Trace Cache, Date Prefetching, Cache Design with Cacti, NUCA Caches, Routing and Flow Control, Hardware Security, Flow Control, Coherence and Consistency, Coherence Protocols, Directory Coherence and Atomic Primitives, Memory Consistency Models.


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Computer Architecture Tutorial

Currently this section contains no detailed description for the page, will update this page soon.

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