Computer Science BooksComputer Architecture Books

Capability Based Computer Systems

Capability Based Computer Systems

Capability Based Computer Systems

This book is an introduction, a survey, a history,and an evaluation of capability-and object-based computer systems.This book explains the following topics: Capability- and Object-Based System Concepts, Early Descriptor Architectures, Early Capability Architectures, The Plessey System, The Cambridge CAP Computer, The Hydra System, The StarOS System, The IBM System/38, The Intel iAPX 432 and Issues in Capability-Based Architectures.


sNA Pages
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Computer Architecture A Synthesis

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Computer Architecture and Organization by Dr. R. M. Siegfried

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Computer System Architecture Lecture Notes

Computer System Architecture Lecture Notes

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Introduction to Computer Architecture

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Advanced Computer Architecture (PDF 76P)

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ComputerStructures Principles and Examples (by Daniel P. Siewiorek, C. Gordon Bell,Allen Newell)

ComputerStructures Principles and Examples (by Daniel P. Siewiorek, C. Gordon Bell,Allen Newell)

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Computer Architecture Tutorial

Computer Architecture Tutorial

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s Pages
Designing Computers and Digital Systems

Designing Computers and Digital Systems

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s Pages