Computer Science BooksArtificial Intelligence Books

Explorations in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Explorations in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Explorations in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Professor Roberto V. Jikari's PDF titled 'Exploring Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning' provides a comprehensive overview of key concepts in AI and ML It begins with an introduction to machine learning, with algorithms and methods that it begins to include. The paper then examines The Bayesian Approach to Machine Learning, emphasizing theoretical possibilities and statistical methods. It provides a comprehensive review of Hidden Markov Models, and explains their use in sequential forecasting. The introduction to reinforcement learning is about how employees learn optimal behavior through interaction with their environment. Deep Learning for Feature Representation discusses advanced techniques for extracting meaningful features from data using deep networks. The section on Neural Networks and Deep Learning explores neural network design and training in detail. Finally, the text discusses AI in general, focusing on the challenges and implications of building highly intelligent machines.


s178 Pages
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