note introduces elementary programming concepts including variable types, data
structures, and flow control. After an introduction to linear algebra and
probability, it covers numerical methods relevant to mechanical engineering,
including approximation, integration, solution of linear and nonlinear equations, ordinary
differential equations, and deterministic and probabilistic approaches.
Author(s): Prof.
Anthony T. Patera, Prof. Daniel Frey and Prof. Nicholas Hadjiconstantinou
PDF is prepared by Gonzalo Galiano Casas and Esperanza Garcia Gonzalo from the
Department of Mathematics at Oviedo University. With a view to keeping things
compact, this document initiates with finite arithmetic and error analysis,
which forms the basis necessary for understanding the issue of numerical
precision and limitations. It considers methods for nonlinear equations,
interpolation, and approximation. Key sections on numerical differentiation and
integration give hands-on tools both for data analysis and the solution of
mathematical problems. It also covers systems of linear equations and
optimization, rounding it out for students and practitioners who might want to
apply the numerical methods through a variety of problems.
Author(s): Gonzalo Galiano Casas, Esperanza Garcia Gonzalo, Dept. of Mathematics, Oviedo University
Prof. L. Vandenberghe's lecture note is on applied numerical
computing but brings out the practical application aspect. The text covers most
areas of numerical linear algebra, nonlinear optimization nonlinear least
squares, introduction to floating-point numbers, and rounding errors that are to
be needed for understanding the issues of numerical precision. Examples are
drawn from signal and image processing, control systems, and machine learning,
among other areas, to indicate how these numerical methods are actually applied.
This resource aims to fill the gap between theory and practice by providing a
practical method for solving computational problems.
note introduces elementary programming concepts including variable types, data
structures, and flow control. After an introduction to linear algebra and
probability, it covers numerical methods relevant to mechanical engineering,
including approximation, integration, solution of linear and nonlinear equations, ordinary
differential equations, and deterministic and probabilistic approaches.
Author(s): Prof.
Anthony T. Patera, Prof. Daniel Frey and Prof. Nicholas Hadjiconstantinou
resource described here is an overview of numerical methods important in the
study of computational science and engineering. The text starts off with
Computing with Matrices and Vectors, foundational elements in many algorithms.
The note moves forward and explains Direct Methods for Linear Systems of
Equations and Direct Methods for Linear Least Squares Problems, important
problem-solving aspects in linear algebra. The Filtering Algorithms for data
processing are reviewed, while Data Interpolation and Data Fitting in 1D discuss
ways of approximating onedimensional data. Approximation of Functions in 1D and
Numerical Quadrature introduce the techniques on function approximation and
integration. It also discusses Iterative Methods for Non-Linear Systems of
Equations and Eigenvalues-a critical topic needed for solving complex systems.
It finally includes Numerical Integration and Structure Preserving Integration,
fundamental to perform numerical calculations with appropriate accuracy in
scientific computing.