Business and Finance BooksMarketing and Sales Books

Personal Selling and Salesmanship

Personal Selling and Salesmanship

Personal Selling and Salesmanship

This book online covers the following topics related to Marketing and Sales : Introduction to Personal Selling, salesmanship, Sales Management and Sales Force Management.


s87 Pages
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Marketing Management by Uttarakhand Open University

Marketing Management by Uttarakhand Open University

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Marketing And Sales Study Material

Marketing And Sales Study Material

This PDF book covers five units of Marketing and Sales for Class X. The notes starts with an introduction to the marketing mix, followed by the marketing process, targeting consumer groups, and the sales process. The course then discusses the different careers available in sales and the skills required for successful selling. The curriculum emphasizes the importance of understanding customer needs/wants, developing strong relationships with clients, and the ability to handle objections and close sales effectively. The course aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the field of sales and marketing.This note covers the following topics: Sales with other functions- Introduction to Marketing Mix, Marketing Process, Sales Process, Careers in selling, Skills in selling.

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Introduction to Marketing and Sales

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s147 Pages
Marketing Strategynbsp; Lecture Notes

Marketing Strategynbsp; Lecture Notes

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sNA Pages
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Basic Principles Of Advertising And Public Relation

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Sales Management

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An Introduction to Financial Market

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Information Technology Applications in Marketing

Information Technology Applications in Marketing

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Marketing Management

Marketing Management

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sNA Pages