Law BooksCriminal Law Books

Introduction to the Laws of Timor Leste Criminal Law

Introduction to the Laws of Timor Leste Criminal Law

Introduction to the Laws of Timor Leste Criminal Law

This PDF covers the following contents related to Criminal Law : Concepts of Criminal Law, Introduction and Layout of the Chapter, General Concepts and Goals of the Penal Code, General Concepts of the Penal Code, The Constitution and Criminal Law, Public and Semi-Public Crimes, Elements of a Crime, Omission versus Commission, Intent Requirement, Penalties and Liability, Penalties, Liability, Forms of Crimes, Perpetrators, Exclusion of Unlawfulness or Guilt, Specific Crimes, Crimes against Peace and Humanity, Crimes Against Persons, Killing, Crimes Against Physical Integrity, Crimes Against Liberty, Sex Crimes, Crimes Against Democratic Practice, Crimes Against Assets.


s48 Pages
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