Computer Science Bookscomputer algorithm Books

Advanced Algorithms by Anupam Gupta

Advanced Algorithms by Anupam Gupta

Advanced Algorithms by Anupam Gupta

The PDF covers the following topics related to Computer Algorithms : Discrete Algorithms, Minimum Spanning Trees, Arborescences: Directed Spanning Trees, Dynamic Algorithms for Graph Connectivity, Shortest Paths in Graphs, Low-Stretch Spanning Trees, Graph Matchings I: Combinatorial Algorithms, Graph Matchings II: Weighted Matchings, Graph Matchings III: Algebraic Algorithms, The Curse of Dimensionality, and Dimension Reduction, Dimension Reduction and the JL Lemma, Streaming Algorithms, Dimension Reduction: Singular Value Decompositions, From Discrete to Continuous Algorithms, Online Learning: Experts and Bandits, Solving Linear Programs using Experts, Approximate Max-Flows using Experts, The Gradient Descent Framework, Mirror Descent, The Centroid and Ellipsoid Algorithms, Interior-Point Methods, Combating Intractability, Approximation Algorithms via SDPs, Online Algorithms, Additional Topics, Prophets and Secretaries.


s309 Pages
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