Business and Finance BooksMarketing and Sales Books

Principles of Marketing by Saylor Foundation

Principles of Marketing by Saylor Foundation

Principles of Marketing by Saylor Foundation

Principles of Marketing teaches the experience and process of actually doing marketing not just the vocabulary. It carries five dominant themes service dominant logic, sustainability, Ethics and social responsibility, Global coverage and Metrics throughout in order to expose students to marketing in today’s environment.


s542 Pages
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Personal Selling and Salesmanship

Personal Selling and Salesmanship

This book online covers the following topics related to Marketing and Sales : Introduction to Personal Selling, salesmanship, Sales Management and Sales Force Management.

s87 Pages
Marketing Management Lecture Notes IARE

Marketing Management Lecture Notes IARE

This PDF covers the following topics related to Marketing and Sales : Introduction to World of Marketing, Analysing Marketing Opportunities, Customer Value and Markting Mix, Designing a Customer Driven Strategy, Distribution Decisions, Promotions & Communication Strategies, Pricing Decision and Personal Communication.

s78 Pages
Marketing Management by Uttarakhand Open University

Marketing Management by Uttarakhand Open University

This note describes the following topics: Evolution of Marketing, Marketing Process, Marketing Mix and Marketing Organisation, Marketing Environment, Marketing Research, STP Concept and Consumer Behaviour, Target Market, Differentiation and Positioning Strategy, Consumer Behaviour, Product and Product Life-Cycle, Product Packaging and Pricing, Branding, Packaging, Pricing, Distribution Channels, Decision Making for Effective Distribution Channels, Promotion Mix and Sales Promotion, Sales Promotion, Sales Forecasting, Sales Force Management and Salesmanship.

s432 Pages
Marketing And Sales Study Material

Marketing And Sales Study Material

This PDF book covers five units of Marketing and Sales for Class X. The notes starts with an introduction to the marketing mix, followed by the marketing process, targeting consumer groups, and the sales process. The course then discusses the different careers available in sales and the skills required for successful selling. The curriculum emphasizes the importance of understanding customer needs/wants, developing strong relationships with clients, and the ability to handle objections and close sales effectively. The course aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the field of sales and marketing.This note covers the following topics: Sales with other functions- Introduction to Marketing Mix, Marketing Process, Sales Process, Careers in selling, Skills in selling.

s97 Pages
Introduction To Marketing by Uttarakhand Open University

Introduction To Marketing by Uttarakhand Open University

This note covers the following topics: Nature, Importance And Core Concept Of Marketing, Different Orientation Towards Market Place And Marketing Philosophies, Marketing Management Process, Services Marketing, Marketing Information System And Market Research, Measuring/forecasting Market Demand, Analysis Of Consumer Buying Behaviour, Concept Of Market Segmentation And Market Targeting, Marketing Mix, Competitive Differentiation And Product Positioning, New Product Development Strategy, Product Life Cycle And Related Strategies, Pricing Strategies, Distribution Channel Strategies, Sales Promotions.

s254 Pages
Introduction to Marketing and Sales

Introduction to Marketing and Sales

This note covers the following topics: Importance of Marketing, Role of Sales business, Concept of Market, Basic concept of Sales and selling, Understanding customer and consumer, Activities in Sales and Marketing.

s106 Pages
Marketing Strategynbsp; Lecture Notes

Marketing Strategynbsp; Lecture Notes

This note is aimed at helping students look at the entire marketing mix in light of the strategy of the firm. It is most helpful to students pursuing careers in which they need to look at the firm as a whole. Topics covered includes: Marketing Strategy, Finding Profit Opportunities Strategy, Creating Competitive Advantage, Challenging Competitive Advantage, Creating Corporate Advantage.

sNA Pages
Introduction to Advertising

Introduction to Advertising

This note covers the following topics: Integrated Marketing Communication, Classification Of Advertising, Advertising Media, Media Planning, Media Research, Economic and Social Aspects Of Advertising, Regulation and Control on Advertising, Advertising Agency, Planning an Advertising Campaign, Advertising Budget, Creativity in Advertising, Advertising Research.

s201 Pages
Marketing Management by Guru Jambheshwar University

Marketing Management by Guru Jambheshwar University

This book covers the following topics: Marketing: Nature, Scope and Corporate Orientation Towards Market Place, The Marketing Environment and Environment Scanning, Understanding Consumer and Industrial Markets, Marketing Research and Marketing Information System, Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning, Product Decisions: Product Life Cycle and Product Mix, Product Decisions: New Product Development, Branding, Packaging and Labelling, Pricing Methods and Strategies, Promotion Decision: Promotion Mix and Advertising, Sales Promotion, Personal Selling and Publicity.

s360 Pages
The Challenger SaleTaking Control of the Customer Conversation

The Challenger SaleTaking Control of the Customer Conversation

In The Challenger Sale, Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson share the secret to sales success: don't just build relationships with customers.

sNA Pages