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Basic Biology Books

Basic Biology Books

There are many online resources where you can find free Basic Biology books to download in PDF format, including online textbooks, ebooks, lecture notes, and more, covering basic, beginner, and advanced concepts for those looking for an introduction to the subject or a deeper understanding of it.

Principles of Biology An Introduction to Biological Concepts

This book explains the following topics: Introduction to Biology and the Process of Science, Biologically Important Molecules, Cell Structure and Function, Structure and Function of the Cell Membrane and an Introduction to Energy, Cellular Respiration, Photosynthesis, Reproduction at the Cellular Level, Patterns of Inheritance, DNA replication and Protein Synthesis , Introduction Evolution.


s 448Pages

General Biology by Wikibooks.org

This book covers the following topics: Biology - The Life Science, The Nature of Molecules, The Chemical Building Blocks of Life, Life: History and Origin, Cells and Cell structure, Membranes, Energy and Metabolism , Respiration: harvesting of energy, Photosynthesis, Sexual reproduction, Genetics, Gregor Mendel and biological inheritance , Gene expression,Gene regulation , Mutation, Recombinant DNA technology.


s 189Pages

Concepts of Biology by Samantha Fowler

This page online covers the following topics related to Concepts of Biology : The Cellular Foundation of Life, Cell Division and Genetics, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Evolution and the Diversity of Life, Animal Structure and Function, Ecology.


s NAPages

Biology 2e

This page covers the following topics related to Biology : The Chemistry of Life, The Study of Life, Introduction, The Science of Biology, Themes and Concepts of Biology, The Chemical Foundation of Life, Biological Macromolecules, The Cell, Genetics, Evolutionary Processes, Biological Diversity, Plant Structure and Function, Animal Structure and Function, Ecology.


s NAPages

Mathematical Systems Biology

This PDF covers the following topics related to Mathematical Systems Biology : Difference Equations, Deterministic ODE models, Deterministic PDE Models, Stochastic kinetics, Review of ordinary differential equations.


s 283Pages

Principles of Biology An Introduction to Biological Concepts

This book covers the following topics: Cellular Foundation of Life,Biologically Important Molecules, Cell Structure and Function, Cell Division and Genetics, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Evolution and Introduction to Biotechnology.


s 448Pages

An Introduction to Science and Biology for Non Majors

The organization of this course has been driven by the goal of providing non-majors with a coherent picture of modern biological knowledge. To accomplish this goal it’s necessary that each student gains an appreciation of the nature of science and is introduced to the integrated view of our world that modern science has produced. To facilitate this the course is divided into four parts : The Nature of Science, Defining Science, The Epistemic Values of Science, The Origin of Modern Science, Science as a Profession, The Conceptual Framework of Biology, Cosmological Evolution, Natural Levels of Organization in the Physical World, Biological Evolution, Life as a Chemical Function Biochemistry and Genetics, The Modern Synthesis Darwin and Mendel, The Integration of Biological Knowledge, Geologic Time, The Origin of our Solar System, The Origin of Life Photosynthesis, Aerobic Respiration, Endosymbiosis and Eukaryotic Cells, The Classification of Life, Sexual Reproduction, Multicellularity, Adaptive Radiations and Mass Extinctions, Vertebrate, Evolution, Human Evolution, Biology and Society, Science and Ethics, Human Population Growth, The Sixth Extinction.


s 72Pages

Introduction to Biology MIT

The topics in this site are as follows : Mendel, Mitosis and Meiosis, Linkage and the Chromosomal Theory, Human Genetics, Biochemical Genetics, Biochemistry I, Molecular Biology I, Cells and Membranes.


s NAPages

Module for General Biology

Biological Sciences is the study of life and living organisms. It is also called as “Biology”. The Greek word 'bio' means life and 'logos' means study of. This book contains the following contents : Introduction, Biological Molecules, The cellular basis of life, Cellular Metabolism and Metabolic Disorders, Genetics and Evolution, Infectious diseases and Immunity, Taxonomy of organisms, Ecology and Conservation of Natural Resources, Introduction to Botany and Zoology, Applications of Biological Sciences.


s 245Pages