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Botany Books

Botany Books

There are many online resources where you can find free Botany books to download in PDF format, including online textbooks, ebooks, lecture notes, and more, covering basic, beginner, and advanced concepts for those looking for an introduction to the subject or a deeper understanding of it.

Introduction to Botany Notes

This book explains the following topics: Plant cells, Plant tissues, Plant organs, Plant organs the plant stem, Plant organs leaves, Flowers, Fruits and seeds, Plants growth and development, Plant names and classification, Imperium cellular organisms, Kingdom algae, Kingdom fungi, Lichens, Subkingdom cormobionta, The seedless vascular plants, Seed plants, Seed plants angiosperms, Kingdom plants, Herbaria and plant preservation, Plant ecology and Plant geography.


s 316Pages

Horticulturist Identify Plants and Plant Requirements

This PDF covers the following topics related to Botany : Introduction to Plant Identification, Introduction to Taxonomy,Introduction to Taxons, Introduction to Binomial Nomenclature, Conventions for Binomial Nomenclature, Nomenclature Review, The Meaning of Plant Names, Plant Growth, Introduction to Plant Classification, Classify Plants by Life Cycle, Introduction to Dichotomous Keys, Key to Plant Classification, Introduction to Plant Morphology, Plant Family Characteristics, Plant Requirements and Use, Plant Habitats, Plant Use Categories, Plant Growth Characteristics, Characteristics of weedy species, Plant Hardiness, Plant Requirements.


s NAPages

Plant Nomenclature and Taxonomy

This PDF Plant Nomenclature and Taxonomy covers the following topics related to Botany : Introduction, Taxonomy and Systematics, Wild and Cultivated Plants, Species Concepts in Wild Plants, Morphological Species Concepts, Interbreeding Species Concepts, Ecological Species Concepts, Cladistic Species Concepts, Eclectic Species Concepts, Nominalistic Species Concept.


s 60Pages

Practical Botany II

This note covers the following topics: Study of Taxonomical Features of Plants, Plant Tissue System, Secondary Growth in Plants , Microsporogenesis, Pollen Germination and Pollen Viability, Ovules, Embryo sac, Endosperm and Embryo, Protandry, Protogyny and Heterostyly, Seed Dormancy, Ecological Study of Different Life-forms , Study of Soil Features , Economic Botany of Plant Fibers and Vegetable oils , Scientific Visit , Technique of Plant Tissue Culture.


s 528Pages

Herbs and Spices

The book comprises single chapters authored by various researchers and edited by an expert active in the medical research area. All chapters are complete in itself but united under a common research study topic. This publication aims at providing a thorough overview of the latest research efforts by international authors on herbs and spices, and opening new possible research paths for further novel developments.


s NAPages

Flowers of mountain and plain

This book is intended primarily for travelers and flower lovers who wish a short cut to recognizing flowers seen on excursions or from car windows. It consists of the twenty-five color plates to be found in Rocky Mountain Flowers, representing one hundred and seventy-five of the most beautiful and striking flowers of the mountains and plains of the West.


s NAPages

New Visions in Plant Science

The book covers new information on using metabolomics and nanotechnology in agriculture. The topics in this book are practical and user-friendly. They allow practitioners, students, and academicians with specific background knowledge to feel confident about the principles presented on a new generation of molecular plant biotechnology applications.


s NAPages

Study Guide to the Science of Botany

This note covers the following topics: Living Systems, Plants and their Uses, Introduction to Classification, Plant cells, Plant tissue, Plant organs, Plant reproduction, Plant Systematics, Division Pterophyta, Division Magnoliophyta.


s NAPages

Plants for the Future

This book will add to the scientific knowledge of the readers on the molecular aspects of plants. This book will help to strengthen the scientific background of the readers on plants and deliver the message regarding plants for the future, in food security, health, industry, and other areas.


s NAPages

Pollination in Plants

Pollination process is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther, which is the male structure of the flower, to the sigma on the female structure of the flower. The chapters of this book present results in research undertaken to improve productivity in crops such as Actinidia chinensis, Theobroma cacao, and Manicaria saccifera.


s NAPages

Neem A Tree For Solving Global Problems

This book explains more about neem trees and the many uses for their fruits and leaves. The purpose of this book is to marshal the various facts about neem, to help illuminate its future promise, and to speed realization of its potential.


s NAPages

Botany for Ladies

Jane Loudon, the Mrs Beeton of the Victorian gardening world, wrote several popular books on horticulture and botany specifically for women. In the 18th century, botany books were mostly written for a female audience. Women were encouraged to study botany as it was considered to be an acceptable activity for women.


s NAPages

Advances in Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is one of the most important reactions on Earth. It is a scientific field that is the topic of many research groups. This book is aimed at providing the fundamental aspects of photosynthesis, and the results collected from different research groups.


s NAPages

Plant Botany An introduction to plant anatomy, morphology and physiology

This guide explains the following topics: Life domains and phylogeny of tree growth on Earth, Plant Cell, Tissues, Roots, The stem, Leaf, Propagation and reproduction of woody plants, Basics of woody plant physiology, Respiration, Photorespiration, Water regime of woody plants, Mineral nutrition of woody plants and the significance of nutrients.


s 103Pages

Insectivorous Plants

Insectivorous Plants is a book by British naturalist and evolutionary theory pioneer Charles Darwin. The book chronicles Darwin's experiments with various carnivorous plants, in which he carefully studied their feeding mechanisms. Darwin tried several methods to stimulate the plants into activating their trap mechanisms, including feeding them meat and glass, blowing on them and prodding them with hair.


s NAPages

Introduction to Botany

Botany is the scientific study of plants and plant-like organisms. It helps us understand why plants are so vitally important to the world. There were two main ideas author attempted to embed here are : one was to put as much plant-related information as possible into an evolutionary context, and the other was to explain complicated problems with simple words and metaphors.


s 172Pages

Plant Growth

If we can gain understanding of how plants grow, then we may be able to manipulate it to reduce both chemical fertilizer use and its environmental impact without decreasing the yield. This book provides information about the use of bio-agents, plant health, plant pathogen, property of melanin, and the influence of rootstock and root growth. Major topics covered are: The Use of Bio-Agents for Management of Potato Diseases, Plant Health, The Organic Amendment Improve the Yield and Quality of Vegetable, Plant Pathogens, Making Soil More Accessible to Plants, Coumarin&


s 230Pages

The Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants

Charles Darwin was an English naturalist and author best-known for his revolutionary theories on the origin of species, human evolution, and natural selection. This book is first printed in book form in 1875 by John Murray. Originally, the text appeared as essay in the 9th volume of the Journal of the Linnean Society, therefore the first edition in book form is actually called the ‘second edition, revised.’ Illustrations were drawn by Charles Darwin’s son, George Darwin.


s NAPages

A text book of botany

A Textbook of Botany is intended to introduce the student to the present state of our knowledge of botanical science. Topics covered includes: General Botany, Internal Morphology, Physiology, Special Botany and Cryptogams.


s 770Pages

Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Plants Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

This book, explains the synthesis of information for developing strategies to combat plant stress. The information covered in this book would bridge the much-researched area of stress in plants with the much-needed information for evolving climate-ready crop cultivars to ensure food security in the future.


s 768Pages

Master gardener handbook

This book covers the following topics: Introduction to Horticulture and Plant Physiology, Basic Botany, Plant Propagation, Soils and Fertilizers, Horticultural Equipment Management, Plant Management, Backyard Composting, Pesticide Management and Safety, Basic Entomology, Insect Management, Rodents, Birds, and Other Pests, Plant Disease Diagnosis and Management, Weeds, Landscaping, Landscape Plants, Woody Landscape Plants, Herbaceous Ornamentals, Principles of Vegetable Culture, Vegetable Crop Recommendations, Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Houseplants and Home Greenhouses and Organic Gardening.


s NAPages

The botanical text book, an introduction to scientific botany, both structural and systematic

This book is designed to furnish classes in our schools and colleges with a suitable text book of Structural and Physiological Botany, as well as private students with a convenient introductory manual, adapted to the present condition of the science.


s 528Pages

Studies of Trees

In the chapters of this book, on the identification of trees, the aim has been to bring before the student only such characters and facts as shall help him to distinguish the tree readily during all seasons of the year. Special stress is laid in each case on the most striking peculiarities. Possible confusion with other trees of similar appearance is prevented as far as possible through comparisons with trees of like form or habit.


s NAPages

The Botanical Magazine Vol. I

The publication familiarized its readers with ornamental and exotic plants and contains a description, in formal yet accessible language.


s NAPages

The Elements of Botany

This volume takes the place of the author's Lessons in Botany and Vegetable Physiology, published over a quarter of a century ago. It is constructed on the same lines, and is a kind of new and much revised edition of that successful work.


s NAPages

Botany Laboratory Note Book

This book is the result of several years 1 experience of the authors with the Intermediate classes. A lot of time is usually wasted in giving instructions and notes to the students as to the procedure of the day's work. The authors feel that this humble attempt at systematizing the practical work of Intermediate classes, will go a long way to remove this difficulty.


s 150Pages

Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany

This structural work has been supplemented by so much classification as will serve to make clear the relationships of different groups, and the principles upon which the classification is based, as well as enable the student to recognize the commoner types of the different groups as they are met with. The aim of this book is not, however, merely the identification of plants.


s NAPages

A laboratory notebook of elementary botany

The purpose of this note is to to give the students a general idea of the principles of the science, rather than a comprehensive survey of the whole vegetable kingdom. In a short course of this nature it is impossible to include examples of every group, and therefore those types have been selected with which it is moat important that the student should become acquainted.


s 262Pages

Plants Database

The Plants Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories.


s NAPages

Beginners botany

This book covers the following topics: Plant Societies, The Plant Body, Seeds and Germination, The Root — The Forms of Roots, Function and Structure, The Stem — Kinds and Forms, Pruning and General Structure, Leaves: Form, Position, Structure, Anatomy and Function or Work, Fruits.


s 201Pages

Plant Physiology Lecture Notes/Materials

This note contains the following subtopics of Plant physiology , Plant Cells, Water and Transport, Growth/Development and Hormones, Plant Responses to the Environment and Metabolism.


s NAPages

Concepts of Botany Algae (PDF 21P)

This note contains explanation of algae, structure of alage and its classification. The contents of this documents are Dichotomous Key to Freshwater Algae, Groups of Cyanobacteria & Algae, Dinoflagellates, Euglenoids, Brown, Golden brown, and Yellow  brown Algae and Glaucophytes.


s 21Pages

Desert Plants and People (PDF 105P)

No one knows when herbs of medicinal value were first used and few care to even venture a guess. In all probability, certain unknown early plants which produced a feeling of well-being were recognized and ingested regularly by the primates who preceded man. After the emergence of man, in the early dawn of time, there followed thousands of centuries of gastronomical experimentation by this strange, upright being, during which time he learned to select from available foods those which were best suited for his system


s 105Pages

Basic Botany, Physiology, and Environmental Effects on Plant Growth

This note covers the following topics: Stems, Texture and Growth of Stems, Life Cycles of Plants, Stems as Food, Leaves, Buds, Roots, Flowers, Fruit and Seeds.


s NAPages

Botany Basics

This note covers the following topics: Nomenclature, Leaves, The photosynthesis process, The Root System, Growth controls, Growth Responses to Light, Growth Responses to Gravity, Hormones and Plant Functions, The Aging Process, Branching and Root Formation, Plant Defenses, Dormancy, Mechanical and chemical Protection, Alkaloids, Wound Healing.


s NAPages

Basic Botany by Sharon Morrisey

This note covers the following topics: Nomenclature, Scientific names, Plant Anatomy and Physiology, Plant Parts, Roots, Stems, Buds, Leaves, Roots, Flowers, Fruits, Seeds, roots, Factors Affecting Growth, Photoperiod, Carbon or Nitrogen Ratio.


s 105Pages


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s NAPages

Sturtevants Edible Plants Of The World(PDF 775P)

Gleaning edible plants from herbals, botanies, travel books, cultural histories, and experiments in scientific farming, Edward Lewis Sturtevant (1842-1898) complied notes for the largest and most accurate work on edible plants, cultigents, and secondary food sources ever written. 2,897 species with comments from over 560 ancient and modern sources virtually cover the entire field. The range is from the oldest known foods, the mallow and asphodel, through newcomers like the tomato and celery, to wild foods which become important under certain circumstances.


s 775Pages

The Dispensatory of the United States of America Twentieth Edition 1918 (PDF 1576P)

It is the last dispensatory published in the united states where the medicines were all plant based.


s 1576Pages

Fenner's Complete Formulary and Handbook Volume I and II (PDF 53P)

When in 1874, the first edition of Fenner's Complete Formulary (then a small pamphlet) was issued it was the pioneer in a new field of pharmacy, and furnished the first reliable line of formulas for elixirs and the so-called Elegant Preparations which were then coming rapidly into use.


s 1296Pages

Medicinal Plant excerpts VOLUME I Ophioglossaceae to Polygonaceae

Nathaniel Lord Britton was the first director-in-chief of The New York Botanical Garden and a giant of a taxonomist. From 1896 to 1898 he published the three-volume landmark floristic study An Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States and Canada (Brown financed it), and revised it again in 1913. This book contains 149 individual plant files, each with illustration, taxonomy, distribution and current botanical name.


s NAPages

Medicinal Plant excerpts VOLUME II Amaranthaceae to Loganaceae

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Medicinal Plant exercpts VOLUME III Gentianaceae to Compositae

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s NAPages