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Mycology Books


Mycology Books

There are many downloadable free Mycology books, available in our collection of books. Which are available in the form of PDF, Online Textbooks, eBooks and lecture notes. These books cover basics, beginner, and advanced concepts and also those who looking for introduction to the same.

Mycology and Plant Pathology by Dr Parimal Mandal

This note explains the following topics: fungal diversity in different ecosystems, Fermentation technology, Enzyme technology, Fungal toxins, Fungi as food and beverage and food processing, Fungal metabolites and future of fungal biotechnology.


s 189Pages

Mycology Notes

This note covers the following topics: Medical mycology, Collection and processing procedures for mycological studies, Saprophytic fungi, Yeasts of medical importance, Cutaneous fungi, Subcutaneous fungi, Systemic mycoses, Mycological procedures, Media and reagents, Maintaining stock cultures and commercial kits.


s 190Pages

The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise by Miron Elisha Hard

This guide explains the study of mushrooms, with special reference to the edible and poisonous varieties, with a view of opening up to the student of nature a wide field of useful and interesting knowledge. Major topics covered includes: The WhiteSpored Agarics, RosySpored Agarics, PurpleBrownSpored Agaries, BlackSpored Agarics, Polyporaceae TubeBearing Fungi, Fungi With Teeth, NidulariaceaeBirds Nest Fungi, Thelephoraceae, Ascomycetes SporeSac Fungi, Group Gastromycetes, LycoperdaceaeTuffBalls, Myxomycetes, Clavariaceae Coral Fungi


s NAPages

Biology of Fungi by The University of Texas at Austin

This note covers the following topics: Fungal classifications, Fungal thallus types, Spores, Kinetics of fungal growth, The fungal cell wall, Biology of yeasts, Hyphal aggregates, Life cycle regulation caused by hormones, Fungal physiology and biochemistry.


s NAPages

Fungal Disease in Britain and the United States 18502000

In this book, we discuss the changing medical and public profile of fungal infections in the period 1850–2000. We consider four sets of diseases: ringworm and athlete’s foot; thrush or candidiasis ; endemic, geographically specific infections in North America and mycotoxins; and aspergillosis.


s NAPages

An introduction to medical mycology

The main purpose of the book, as its title implies, is to serve as a primer. The contents are divided into two parts. The first deals with the clinical, theoretical and experimental aspects of the subject, the second outlines the laboratory procedures useful in examining a patient suspected of having one of the various mycoses.


s 400Pages

Fungi Their Nature and Uses

This book explains following topics about fungi: Nature of Fungi, Structure, Classification, Uses, Notable Phenomena, The Spore and Its Dissemination, Germination and Growth, Sexual Reproduction, Polymorphism, Influences and Effects, Habitats, Cultivation and Geographical Distribution.


s NAPages