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Zoology Books

Zoology Books

There are many online resources where you can find free Zoology books to download in PDF format, including online textbooks, ebooks, lecture notes, and more, covering basic, beginner, and advanced concepts for those looking for an introduction to the subject or a deeper understanding of it.

The Human Side of Animals

In this book the author have attempted to bring together many old and new observations which tend to show the human-like qualities of animals.


s NAPages

Applied Zoology SSCASC

The topics in this presentation are as follows : Introduction to Host-parasite Relationship, Reservoir, Zoonosis, Tuberculosis, Typhoid Fever, Rickettsial Zoonoses, Rickettsia Prowazekki, Coenozoic Era, Quaternary Period, Animal Distribution, Continuous Distribution, Discontinuous Distribution, Bipolar Distribution, Dispersals, Barrier, Continental Drift Theory, Sericulture, Pisciculture, Induced Breeding, Canning, Poultry, Establishment of Mulberry Plants, Breeds of Poultry, Cattle Breeds, Diseases in Cattle.


s 168Pages

Non chordata uou

The pdf has contents in topics as follows : Lower Non-Chordate, Phylum Protozoa, Metazoa, Phylum Porifera, Phylum Coelentrata, Phylum Playtyhelminthes, Phylum Ascahelminhes, Phylum Annelida,  Higher Non-Chordate, Phylum Arthropoda, Phylum Mollusca, Phylum Echinodermata.


s 385Pages

General Zoology Lab Supplement

The contents of the lab manual include : Orientation, Lab Safety, Animal Collection, Lab Skills & Microscopy, Animal Cells & Tissues, Animal Organs & Organ Systems, Animal Reproduction, Animal Development, Some Animal-Like Protists, The Animal Kingdom, Phylum Porifera (Sponges), Phyla Cnidaria, Phylum Platyhelminthes, Phylum Nematoda, Phyla Rotifera, Acanthocephala, Gastrotricha & Nematomorpha , Phylum Mollusca , Phyla Brachiopoda & Ectoprocta, Phylum Annelida, Phyla Sipuncula, Phylum Arthropoda, Phyla Onycophora & Tardigrada, Phylum Echinodermata, Phyla Chaetognatha & Hemichordata, Phylum Chordata.


s 135Pages

Practical Zoology By Uttarakhand Open University

This note covers the following topics: Protozoa, Porifera, Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Enchinodermata, Minor dissections or Permanent slide preparation, Genetics experiment.


s 453Pages

Developmental Biology and Applied Zoology

This note explain the following topics: Developmental Biology, Fertilization, Cleavage and embryonic induction, Blastulation and Gastrulation in Frog and Chick,Aquaculture, Sericulture, Lac Culture, Poultry, Economic importance of Mammals, Store grain pests, Pest Management, Parasitology.


s 383Pages

Goat Science

This book, Goat science covers quite a wide range and varieties of topics, from genetics and breeding, via nutrition, production systems, reproduction, milk and meat production, animal health and parasitism, etc., up to the effects of goat products on human health. In this book, several parts of them are presented within 18 different chapters.


s NAPages

Lactation in Farm Animals

This book focusing on lactation in farm animals presents invited papers from internationally recognized scientists. It contains seven chapters covering the key topics related to milk production and lactation biology and physiology.


s NAPages

Domesticated Animals Their Relation to Man and to his Advancement in Civilization

This book covers the following topics: Ancestry of the Domesticated Dogs, Value of the Strength of the Horse to Man, The Flocks And Herds: Beasts For Burden, Food and Raiment, Effect of this Group of Animals on Man, Domesticated Birds, Useful Insects, The Rights Of Animals, The Conditions of Domestication.


s NAPages

A Guide for the Study of Animals

This guide to the study of animals is intended for pupils in secondary schools. Topics covered includes: Introductory Studies of Living Animals, Studies of Insects, The Connection between Structure and Function, Adaptation to Surroundings, Adaptation for Protection from Enemies, Vertebrates, Adaptations for the Preservation of the Species, Poultry.


s NAPages

Artistic Anatomy of Animals

This is a great book for both artists and those interested in animal anatomy. Topics covered includes: Generalities of Comparative Anatomy, Osteology And Arthrology, Myology, Epidermic Products of The Extremities of the Fore and Hind Limbs, Proportions of the Head of The Horse, The Paces of The Horse.


s NAPages

The Minds and Manners of Wild Animals

A great many stories of occurrences have been written into this volume, for the purpose of giving the reader all the facts in order that he may form his own opinions of the animal mentality displayed. Topics covered includes: Wild Animal Temperament and Individuality, The Language of Animals, The Most Intelligent Animals, The Rights of Wild Animals, Mental Traits of Wild Animals, The Higher Passions, The Morals of Wild Animals, The Baser Passions, Wild Animal Criminals and Crime.


s NAPages

Animal Behavior Wiki

This textbook explores the mechanisms and evolution of animal behavior, including neural, hormonal, and genetic substrates of behavior, foraging, anti-predator defenses, mating systems and sexual selection, social behavior, communication, parental care, kin selection and recognition, and territoriality. Associated laboratory exercises will provide hands-on experience for many of these concepts.


s NAPages

Animal Breeding Methods Course Notes

This note covers the following topics: Overview of Animal Breeding, Matrix Algebra, Genetic Relationships, Writing a Linear Model, Animal Models, Genetic Change, Phantom Parent Groups, Maternal Genetic Effects, Multiple Traits, Non-Additive Genetic Effects, Random Regression Models, Breeding Objectives, Correlated Responses, Mating Systems, Dairy Cattle Notes, Genome Wide Selection, R Basics and Evolutionary Algorithms.


s 186Pages

Animal Behavior Wiki

This textbook explores the mechanisms and evolution of animal behavior, including neural, hormonal, and genetic substrates of behavior, foraging, anti-predator defenses, mating systems and sexual selection, social behavior, communication, parental care, kin selection and recognition, and territoriality. Associated laboratory exercises will provide hands-on experience for many of these concepts.


s NAPages

Animal Breeding Methods Course Notes

This note covers the following topics: Overview of Animal Breeding, Matrix Algebra, Genetic Relationships, Writing a Linear Model, Animal Models, Genetic Change, Phantom Parent Groups, Maternal Genetic Effects, Multiple Traits, Non-Additive Genetic Effects, Random Regression Models, Breeding Objectives, Correlated Responses, Mating Systems, Dairy Cattle Notes, Genome Wide Selection, R Basics and Evolutionary Algorithms.


s 186Pages

Cattle and Their Diseases

This book covers the following topics: History and Breeds Of Cattle, Crossing and Breeding, Feeding and Management, Diseases and Their Remedies, Medicines Used in Treating Cattle, Doses Of Various Medicines.


s NAPages

Common Diseases of Farm Animals

In preparing the material for this book, the author has endeavored to arrange and discuss the subject matter in a way to be of the greatest service and help to the agricultural student and stockman, and place at their disposal a text and reference book.The general discussions at the beginning of the different sections and chapters, and the discussions of the different diseases are naturally brief.The chapters have been grouped under the necessary heads, with review questions at the end of each chapter, and the book divided into seven parts.


s NAPages

Animal Behavior Lecture Notes

The introductory topics will cover various approaches to the study of animals and their behavior. Topics covered includes: Habitat selection, Nest site selection, territoriality, dispersal, migration, Feeding, Antipredator behavior, Sexuality, Mating and reproduction, Cooperation among conspecifics.


s NAPages

Common Diseases of Farm Animals

The general discussions at the beginning of the different sections and chapters, and the discussions of the different diseases are naturally brief. The chapters have been grouped under the necessary heads, with review questions at the end of each chapter, and the book divided into seven parts. Topics covered includes: General Discussion Of Disease: Diagnosis and Symptoms Of Disease and Treatment, Non-specific Or General Diseases, The Teeth, Surgical Diseases, Parasitic Diseases, Infectious Diseases.


s NAPages

Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology

The roots and origins of the terms presented in this dictionary were taken from textbooks and from the original literature. This exhaustive dictionary contains over 13,000 terms relating to invertebrate zoology, including etymologies, word derivations and taxonomic classification. Entries cover parasitology, nematology, marine invertebrates, insects, and anatomy, biology, and reproductive processes for the following phyla: Acanthocephala, Annelida, Arthropoda, Brachiopoda, Bryozoa, Chaetognatha, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Echinodermata, Echiura, Entoprocta, Gastrotricha, Gnathostomulida, Kinorhyncha, Loricifera, Mesozoa, Mollusca, Nematoda, Nematomorpha, Nemertea, Onychophora, Pentastoma, Phoronida, Placozoa, Platyhelminthes, Pogonophora, Porifera, Priapula, Rotifera, Sipuncula, and Tardigrada.


s 970Pages

The Crayfish An Introduction to the Study of Zoology

This book describes the following topics: The Natural History of the Common Crayfish, The Physiology of the Common Crayfish, The Physiology of the Common Crayfish, The Morphology of the Common Crayfish, The Comparative Morphology of the Crayfish. The structure and the development of the Crayfish compared with those of other living beings, The Distribution and the etiology of the Crayfishes.


s NAPages

Elementary Zoology

The book is divided into three parts. Part I provides an introduction to an elementary knowledge of animal structure, function, and development. Part II explains the principal branches of the animal kingdom. Part III is devoted to a necessarily brief consideration of certain of the more conspicuous and interesting features of animal ecology.


s NAPages

Zoology by Maria Dolores Garcia

This book is a compendium of contributions to some of the many different topics related to the knowledge of animals. Individual chapters represent recent contributions to Zoology illustrating the diversity of research conducted in this discipline and providing new data to be considered in future overall publications.


s 224Pages

Textbook of zoology

The introduction of chapters on Animal Anomalies, Animal Regeneration, Biological Effects of Radiation, Marine Zoology, and Wildlife Conservation is a slight departure from the usual textbook outline, but each of these seems to the author to have enough of  special value and current interest to warrant presentation. The chapters on Regulatory Glands, Animal Distribution, The Animal and Its Environment, Animal Parasitism, Comparative Emhrijology, Animal Behavior, and Paleontology are also presented with the feeling that they are of exceptional general interest to all students, as well as being thoroughly zoological.


s 960Pages

Zoological Illustrations

The book Zoological Illustrations, describes the original figures and descriptions of New, Rare, or Interesting Animals, Selected Chiefly from the Classes of Ornithology, Entomology, and Conchology, and Arranged on the Principles of Cuvier and Other Modern Zoologists by William Swainson, F.R.S., F.L.S., member of the Wernerian Society of Edinburgh.


s NAPages

General zoology

This book covers the following topics: Phylum protozoa, Metazoa, Phylum porifera, Phylum Coelenterata, Phylum Platyhelminthes, Phylum rotifera, Coelomata, Phylum mollusca, Phylum sipunculoidea, Phylum Phoronidea and Phylum Polyzoa


s NAPages

A student's text book of zoology

This book covers the following topics: Protozoa to Chaetognatha, Amphioxus, Vertebrata, Tunicata, Enteropneusta, Echinodermata, Arthropoda, the Crustacea and Xiphosura, insects and Arachnida.


s NAPages

National Animal Identification System (PDF 74P)

The purpose of this comprehensive document is to provide the public with basic information about the National Animal Identification System (NAIS)-a voluntary national program that will help producers protect the health of their animals and their investment in the case of an animal disease event.


s 74Pages

General Zoology Lecture Notes and Handouts

This note covers the following topics: Introduction to Animals, Animal Characteristics, Taxonomy and Classification, Phylum Placozoa, Phylum Porifera, Phylum Cnidaria, Coral Reefs, Phylum Rotifera, Phylum Nematoda, Phylum Mollusca, Phylum Echinodermata and Phylum Chordata.


s NAPages

ZOOLOGY Notes (PDF 303p)

This note covers the following topics: Bio diversity, Cell Biology, Human Anatomy, Genetics, Developmental Biology, Economic Zoology and Origin of life.


s 303Pages

Zoological Nomenclature Resource

Currently this section contains no detailed description for the page, will update this page soon.


s NAPages

Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology (PDF 16p)

This note explains the importance Of Laboratory-raised Snails In Helminthology With Life History Notes On Gyraulus Parvus.


s 16Pages

Life History Notes on Some Egyptian Solitary Wasps and Bees and Their Associates (PDF 24p)

This note covers the following topics: Family Chrysididae, Family Eumenidae, Family Pompilidae, Family Colletidae.


s 24Pages

The mismeasure of islands implications for biogeographical theory and the conservation of nature (21P)

Currently this section contains no detailed description for the page, will update this page soon.


s NAPages


This note covers the following topics: Bio diversity, Cell Biology, Human Anatomy, Genetics, Developmental Biology, Economic Zoology and Origin of life.


s 303Pages

The basics of Zoological Nomenclature (PDF 24P)

This note covers the following topics: History of scientific nomenclature, How are scientific names formed, Formation and treatment, Ruling principles of nomenclature, Principles of binominal nomenclature, Principles of homonymy and Principles of synonymy.


s 24Pages

Notes on the Indo Australian basicerotine ants (Hymenoptera Formicidae)

This paper brings up to date the information available on Indo-Australian basicero tines. A second Rhopalothrix species is described and two new Melanesian Eurhopalothrix species are added, along with systematic and distributional notes on some older species, and a key to the Indo- Australian fauna.


s 17Pages