
Biology eBooks

Biology Books

Biology is the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy. This section contains many topics on Biology and Health Sciences and each of these categories contain many free biology books and resources and these are highly beneficial for teachers and students of Health and Biology professionals. Some of the resources in this section can be viewed online and some of them can be downloaded.

Recently Added Books

Aerobiology, Image Analysis and Allergenicity

This PDF Aerobiology, Image Analysis and Allergenicity Of Pollen and Spores in Singapore covers the following topics related to Aerobiology : Allergy, Allergens, Trends in Allergic Diseases, Aerobiology in Singapore, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Identification of Airspora Components by Image Analysis, Development of a Dot Immunoarray System for Simultaneous Detection of a Large Array of Allergen-specific Ige Molecules, Airspora Allergy in Singapore.

s286 Pages

Aerobiology Pollens and Spores in the Air

Aerobiology studies small particles from biological origin that are airborned in the air They fly passively due to wind transport (airborne). This PDF covers the following topics related to Aerobiology : Definitions, Capturing airborne pollen and spores, Pollen grains, Fungi spores, Applications.

s29 Pages

Lecture Note on Agriculture

This lecture note explains the following topics: The evolution of agriculture, Agro ecosystem, Impact of agriculture on environment, Impact of environment on agriculture, Sustainability the new paradigm, Land, Water, Biodiversity, Energy, Off farm inputs, Integrated resource management, Integrated farming systems, Integrated disease, Pest and weed management, Imperatives, New technologies, Agricultural waste management and Alternative management.

s398 Pages

Lecture Note on Agricultural Economics

This lecture note covers the following topics: demand for farm products, Supply of farm products, Economics of production and resource use and instability in agriculture, Risk and uncertainty, Rural money market, Labour market, Types of employer employee relationship, Land and lease markets and Economics of share tenancy.

s178 Pages

Introduction to Bacteriology and Bacterial Structure

This PDF covers the following topics related to Bacteriology : Introduction to Bacteriology, Bacterial Structure and Function: the Microbial World, Bacterial Growth, Bacterial Genetics, Antibiotics, Salmonella and Shigella, Escherichia Coli, Cholera, Campylobacter, Helicobacter, etc.

s226 Pages

International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria

This volume contains the edition of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria approved by the Plenary Session of the Fifteenth International Congress of Microbiology, Osaka, 1990, together with lists of conserved and rejected bacterial names and of Opinions issued by the Judicial Commission.

sNA Pages

Principles of Biology An Introduction to Biological Concepts

This book explains the following topics: Introduction to Biology and the Process of Science, Biologically Important Molecules, Cell Structure and Function, Structure and Function of the Cell Membrane and an Introduction to Energy, Cellular Respiration, Photosynthesis, Reproduction at the Cellular Level, Patterns of Inheritance, DNA replication and Protein Synthesis , Introduction Evolution.

s448 Pages

General Biology by Wikibooks.org

This book covers the following topics: Biology - The Life Science, The Nature of Molecules, The Chemical Building Blocks of Life, Life: History and Origin, Cells and Cell structure, Membranes, Energy and Metabolism , Respiration: harvesting of energy, Photosynthesis, Sexual reproduction, Genetics, Gregor Mendel and biological inheritance , Gene expression,Gene regulation , Mutation, Recombinant DNA technology.

s189 Pages

Biomaterials Science And Engineering

This PDF book Biomaterials Science And Engineering covers the following topics related to Bioengineering : Biomaterials and Sol–Gel Process: A Methodology for the Preparation of Functional Materials, Development of DNA Based Active Macro–Materials for Biology and Medicine, Porous Apatite Coating on Various Titanium Metallic Materials via Low Temperature Processing, Self–Assembled Peptide Nanostructures for Biomedical Applications: Advantages and Challenges, Preparation of Nanocellulose with Cation–Exchange Resin Catalysed Hydrolysis, The Role of Biodegradable Engineered Scaffold in Tissue Engineering, Optical Detection of Protein Adsorption on Doped Titanium Surface, Biomaterials and Biotechnology Schemes Utilizing TiO2 Nanotube Arrays, Cartilage Tissue Engineering Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells and 3D Chitosan Scaffolds – In vitro and in vivo Assays, Low Modulus Titanium Alloys for Inhibiting Bone Atrophy, Mesopore Bioglass or Silk Composite Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering, To Build or Not to Build: The Interface of Bone Graft Substitute Materials in Biological Media from the View Point of the Cells, Mechanobiology of Oral Implantable Devices, etc.

s468 Pages

Introduction To Bioengineering MIT

The site contains notes in the following topics : Bioengineering Science, Biology Science, Chemistry Science, Biological Engineering, BioMechanical Engineering, BioMEMS, Bioengineering in Aero/Astro, Bioengineering in Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bioengineering in Computer Science, Biomaterial Sciences, Topics in Biological Engineering.

sNA Pages

Comparative Biogeography

This note covers the following topics: History and Development of Comparative Biogeography, Building Blocks of Biogeography, Endemic Areas and Areas of Endemism, Biogeographic Processes, Biogeographic Methods and Applications, The Systematic Biogeographic Method, Geology and Comparative Biogeography, Implementing Principles, Biogeography of the Pacific and the Future of Biogeography.

s313 Pages

Biogeography by MBB College

This note covers the following topics: Zoogeography, Continental Drift Theory, Animal Distribution and Barriers to Animal Dispersal.

s85 Pages

Introduction to Bioinformatics by Yildiz Technical University

This note covers the following topics: what is bioinformatics, Path to the bioinformatics, Scope of computational biology, The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology, Genomics, Proteomics, Killer application, Cells, Signaling Pathways Control gene activity, DNA the code of life and genetic information chromosomes.

s121 Pages

Bioinformatics by Nakaya Helder

This page covers the following topics related to Bioinformatics : Text Mining Gene Selection to Understand Pathological Phenotype Using Biological Big Data, Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Procedures and Data Analysis, Computational Methods for Detecting Large-Scale Structural Rearrangements in Chromosomes, Machine Learning Approaches for Biomarker Discovery Using Gene Expression Data, Bayesian Inference of Gene Expression, Comprehensive Evaluation of Error-Correction Methodologies for Genome Sequencing Data, Plant Transcriptome Assembly: Review and Benchmarking,WeMine Aligned Pattern Clustering System for Biosequence Pattern Analysis, Rational Design of Profile Hidden Markov Models for Viral Classification and Discovery, Pattern Discovery and Disentanglement for Aligned Pattern Cluster Analysis and Protein Binding Complexes Detection.

sNA Pages

Biomechanics in Sport

This PDF covers the following topics related to Biomechanics in Sport : Muscle Action in Sport and Exercise, Locomotion, Jumping and Aerial Movement, Throwing and Hitting, Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation, Special Olympic Sports.

s682 Pages

Biomechanics by SIST

Biomechanics is the study of the structure, function and motion of the mechanical aspects of biological systems, at any level from whole organisms to organs, cells and cell organelles, using the methods of mechanics. This PDF covers the following topics related to Biomechanics : Fluid Mechanics, Human Locomotion, Hard and Soft Tissue Mechanics, Kinesiology of Sports.

s88 Pages

Food Biotechnology by Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology

This book explains the following topics: Microorganisms in food production, Food Biotechnology, Antioxidants, Colouring Agents Used In Food Products, Food Sweetener, Food borne diseases, Food Allergens, Fermented Milk And Other Products, Food Preservation.

s170 Pages

Plant biotechnology by Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology

This book covers the following topics: Plant tissue culture, Applied Aspects of Plant Tissue Culture , Basic rDNA technology in relation to plant, Genetic Engineering, Culture environment, The influence of light on tissue culture, Dry powders in Media Preparation, DNA Extraction, Isolation of plasmid DNA, Germplasm Conservation and Cryopreservation,Embryo Culture.

s215 Pages

Introduction to Botany Notes

This book explains the following topics: Plant cells, Plant tissues, Plant organs, Plant organs the plant stem, Plant organs leaves, Flowers, Fruits and seeds, Plants growth and development, Plant names and classification, Imperium cellular organisms, Kingdom algae, Kingdom fungi, Lichens, Subkingdom cormobionta, The seedless vascular plants, Seed plants, Seed plants angiosperms, Kingdom plants, Herbaria and plant preservation, Plant ecology and Plant geography.

s316 Pages

Horticulturist Identify Plants and Plant Requirements

This PDF covers the following topics related to Botany : Introduction to Plant Identification, Introduction to Taxonomy,Introduction to Taxons, Introduction to Binomial Nomenclature, Conventions for Binomial Nomenclature, Nomenclature Review, The Meaning of Plant Names, Plant Growth, Introduction to Plant Classification, Classify Plants by Life Cycle, Introduction to Dichotomous Keys, Key to Plant Classification, Introduction to Plant Morphology, Plant Family Characteristics, Plant Requirements and Use, Plant Habitats, Plant Use Categories, Plant Growth Characteristics, Characteristics of weedy species, Plant Hardiness, Plant Requirements.

sNA Pages

Concepts in Stem Cell Research

This note describes the following topics: Unique Properties of Stem Cells, Embryogenesis, In Vitro Fertilization, Somatic Stem Cells, Haemopoietic Stem Cell, Tissue engineering triad, Applications of Tissue Engineering, Gene Therapy, Transgenic Animals.

s112 Pages

Cell Biology by Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology

This note explains the following topics: Cell Theory, Plasmamembrane, Membrane Transport, Cellular Organelles In Energy Metabolism, Classification Of Nucleosides, Cellular Organelles In Metabolism, Ribosomes-types, Structure And Function.

s104 Pages

Diagnostic Cytology by Hassadin Boonsriroj

This note explains the following topics: introduction to cytology, Cytology sample collection and preparation, Cytologic interpretation and case examples.

s145 Pages

Essentials of Fluid Cytology

This note covers the following topics: serous effusions, Peritoneal and Pelvic washings, Cerebrospinal fluid, Urine in urinary tract lesions and urine in non-neoplastic renal parenchymal diseases.

s132 Pages

A Guide to Reproducible Code in Ecology and Evolution

This PDF covers the following topics related to Ecology : Introduction, A simple reproducible project workflow, Organising projects for reproducibility, Programming, Reproducible reports, Version control, Archiving, Resources, Acknowledgements.

s44 Pages

Introduction to Ecology by SIST

Ecology is defined as the study of inter relationship and interaction of different organisms with each other and with their environment. It is concerned with the general principles that apply to both animals and plants. This PDF covers the following topics related to Ecology : Introduction, Environmental Impact Assessment and Legislation, Planning and Evaluation Techniques, Environment Quality and Design.

s66 Pages

Lecture Note on Entomology

This lecture note covers the following topics: History of entomology, Contributory factors for the abundance of insects, Classification of phylum Arthropoda, Body segmentation of Insect, Mouth parts of insects, Insect Sense Organs, Metamorphosis and diapause, Types of larvae and pupae, Insect Taxonomy, Orthoptera, Dictyoptera, Isoptera and Thysanoptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and diptera.

s156 Pages

Malaria entomology and vector control by WHO

This PDF is a guide for tutors on Malaria entomology and vector control and covers the following topics related to Entomology : Introduction to malaria entomology, Identification of malaria vectors, Sampling malaria vectors, Vector incrimination and malaria control, Malaria vector control, Monitoring and management of insecticide resistance, Vector control in different malaria epidemiological strata.

s50 Pages

Evolutionary Biology by SIST

This PDF covers the following topics related to Evolutionary Biology : Evolution, Natural selection, Evolutionary Processes, Genome Expansion and Restructuring, Epigenetics.

s79 Pages

The Foundations of the Origin of Species

Charles Robert Darwin was an English naturalist and geologist best known for his contributions to the science of evolution. Darwin's book introduced the scientific theory that populations evolve over the course of generations through a process of natural selection.

sNA Pages

Molecular Biology Fundamentals

This PDF covers the following topics related to Molecular Biology : Origins of Molecular Biology, Classical Genetics, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, The Fundamental Dogma, mRNA to Amino Acid Dictionary, What is a Gene?, The Simplistic View of a Gene as Sequence, The Human Genome Project, Getting the Sequence, Beta Hemoglobin, Genome Project as Database.

s26 Pages

Introduction to Medical and Molecular Biology

This PDF covers the following topics related to Introduction to Medical and Molecular Biology : Introduction to microscopic techniques, The cell, Reproduction of cells, Cell and tissue cultures, Relationship between microorganism and macroorganism, Nucleic Acids, Replication, Protein synthesis, Laboratory methods in molecular genetics, Introduction to the genetics of viruses.

s95 Pages

Mycology and Plant Pathology by Dr Parimal Mandal

This note explains the following topics: fungal diversity in different ecosystems, Fermentation technology, Enzyme technology, Fungal toxins, Fungi as food and beverage and food processing, Fungal metabolites and future of fungal biotechnology.

s189 Pages

Mycology Notes

This note covers the following topics: Medical mycology, Collection and processing procedures for mycological studies, Saprophytic fungi, Yeasts of medical importance, Cutaneous fungi, Subcutaneous fungi, Systemic mycoses, Mycological procedures, Media and reagents, Maintaining stock cultures and commercial kits.

s190 Pages

Lecture note on Parasitology

This lecture note covers introduction to parasitology, Overview of parasitology, protozoan parasites, Protozoan Parasites, Helminth parasites and arthropod parasites.

s136 Pages

Parasites A Treatise on the Entozoa of Man and Animals, Including Some Account of the Ectozoa

This note covers the following topics: Parasites Of Man, Trematoda, Cestoda, Nematoda, Parasites of Mammalia, Parasites of Quadrumana, Parasites of Carnivora, Parasites of Solidungula, Parasites of Marsupialia and Monotremata, Parasites of Aves, Parasites of Reptilia, Parasites of Pisces, Parasites of Evertebrata.

sNA Pages

Plant Cells and Anatomy

This PDF covers the following topics related to Plant Biology : Cell Basics, Plant Cell Structures, Dicotyledon Stem Structure, Cell Types and Plant Tissues, Secondary Growth in a Dicotyledon Stem, Monocotyledon Stem Structure, Dicotyledon Root Structure, Monocotyledon Root Structure, Growth of the Shoot and Root, Dicotyledon Leaf Structure, Monocotyledon Leaf Structure, Plant Cell Glossary.

s35 Pages

Cell Biology of Plants UOU

The contents of this notes are as follows : Plant Cell, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic, Cell Division, Cell Senescence, Extranuclear Organelles, Cell Wal, Mitochondria, Chloroplast and Endoplasmic Reticulum, Ribosome and Golgi Apparatus, Intranuclear Organelles, Nucleus, Chromosomes , Cell Signaling and Cell Receptors.

s245 Pages

An Introduction to Plant Pathology and Plant disease Management

This PDF covers the following topics related to Plant Pathology : Introduction, The Disease Triangle, Disease Diagnosis, Disease Development, Plant Disease Control, Chemical Controls, Integrated Methods, etc.

s29 Pages

Fundamentals of Plant Pathology Theory Notes

Plant Pathology deals with the cause, etiology, resulting losses and control or management of the plant diseases. The book contains contents as follows : Importance of plant diseases, scope and objectives of Plant Pathology, History of Plant Pathology with special reference to Indian work, Terms and concepts in Plant Pathology, Pathogenesis, classification of plant diseases, Causes of Plant Disease Biotic (fungi, bacteria, fastidious vesicular bacteria, Phytoplasmas, spiroplasmas, viruses, viroids, algae, protozoa, and nematodes ) and abiotic causes with examples of diseases caused by them, Study of phanerogamic plant parasites, Symptoms of plant diseases, Fungi: general characters, definition of fungus, somatic structures, types of fungal thalli, fungal tissues, modifications of thallus, Reproduction in fungi, Nomenclature, Binomial system of nomenclature, rules of nomenclature, Classification of fungi. Key to divisions, sub-divisions, orders and classes, Bacteria and mollicutes: general morphological characters, Basic methods of classification and reproduction in bacteria, Viruses: nature, architecture, multiplication and transmission, Nematodes: General morphology and reproduction, classification of nematode Symptoms and nature of damage caused by plant nematodes, Principles and methods of plant disease management, Nature, chemical combination, classification of fungicides and antibiotics, Mode of action and formulations of fungicides and antibiotics.

s200 Pages

Fundamentals of Soil Science

This note describes the following topics: Soil Forming Processes, Aerial Photography, Soil Classification and Land Capability Classification, Soil Physical Properties, Soil Structure and Consistency, Densities of Soil, Porosity and Soil Color, Soil Air and Temperature, Soil Water, Soil Colloids, Ion Exchange, Soil pH and Nutrient Availability, Soil Organic Matter, Soil Environmental Quality and Quality of Irrigation Water .

s133 Pages

The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms

This note explains the following topics: Habits Of Worms, The Amount Of Fine Earth Brought Up By Worms To The Surface, The Part Which Worms Have Played In The Burial Of Ancient Buildings, The Action Of Worms In The Denudation Of The Land, The Denudation Of The Land.

sNA Pages

Medical Virology Lecture Note by Belay Tafa

Virology is a field within microbiology that encompasses the study of viruses. Medical virology deals with the study of medically important viruses and the diseases they cause or their effect on human beings.The notes contains contents as follows : Introduction to Virology, Baltimore system of classification, Viruses as Human Pathogen, RNA viruses, Polyomaviruses, Herpesviruses, Epstein - Barr virus, Hepadnaviruses: HBV and HDV,  Hepatoviruses, Picornaviruses, Flavivirus, Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV), Family Reoviridae, Orthomyxoviruses, Clinical Course of Rabies, etc.

s96 Pages

Antivirals Virology

The contents of this lecture presentation include : Vaccines can prevent viral disease, Why are there so few antiviral drugs?, Antiviral history, Blind screening, Antiviral discovery today, The path of drug discovery, Mechanism-based screens, Cell-based screen, Antiviral screening, High throughput screening, Dangers of drug resistance, Mechanisms of drug resistance, Acyclovir mechanism of action, Improving acyclovir, Acyclovir-resistant HSV, Symmetrel, Influenza virus NA inhibitors, WIN compounds, Inhibitors of picornavirus uncoating, New HCV drugs, HCV new drug pipeline, Azido-deoxythymidine, AZT, Non-nucleoside RT inhibitors, IN inhibitors, Maraviroc: CCR5 inhibitor, Combination therapy, Mathematics of drug resistance, ART saves lives, Pre-exposure prophylaxis.

s61 Pages

The Human Side of Animals

In this book the author have attempted to bring together many old and new observations which tend to show the human-like qualities of animals.

sNA Pages

Applied Zoology SSCASC

The topics in this presentation are as follows : Introduction to Host-parasite Relationship, Reservoir, Zoonosis, Tuberculosis, Typhoid Fever, Rickettsial Zoonoses, Rickettsia Prowazekki, Coenozoic Era, Quaternary Period, Animal Distribution, Continuous Distribution, Discontinuous Distribution, Bipolar Distribution, Dispersals, Barrier, Continental Drift Theory, Sericulture, Pisciculture, Induced Breeding, Canning, Poultry, Establishment of Mulberry Plants, Breeds of Poultry, Cattle Breeds, Diseases in Cattle.

s168 Pages