Computer Science BooksComputer Graphics Books

Computer Graphics Lecture Notes by Clinton L. Jeffery

Computer Graphics Lecture Notes by Clinton L. Jeffery

Computer Graphics Lecture Notes by Clinton L. Jeffery

This note explains the following topics: Graphics Hardware, Frame Buffers, Line Drawing, API parameters and graphic contexts, Color Indices and Colormaps, Raster Operations, UIGUI's Graphics Primitives, Region Filling, Golden Rectangle, Backing Store and Expose Events, Contexts and Cloning, Splines, Smooth Curves, Gamma Correction, 2D Geometrical Transformations, Composition of 3D Transformations, OpenGL, GLU and GLUT objects, Phong Model, Texture Mapping, Texture Coordinate Generation, Texture Objects, Curves and Surfaces, 3D Model File Formats.


sNA Pages
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