
Microsoft Books

Free Microsoft Books

Recently Added Free Microsoft Books

Web Programming ASP.NET Core

This textbook gives an overview of Web and Web programming in general with focus on ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core. ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core are web development frameworks created by Microsoft. This PDF covers the following topics related to Web Programming ASP.NET : Introduction, ASP.NET, Visual Studio, Desktop Applications, C

s264 Pages

ASP.NET Core 1.0 Documentation

This PDF covers the following topics related to ASP.NET : Tutorials, Conceptual Overview, Fundamentals, MVC, Testing, Working with Data, Client-Side Development, Mobile, Publishing and Deployment, Guidance for Hosting Providers, Security,Performance, Migration, Contribute.

s713 Pages

Fundamentals of Computer Programming with CSharp

This PDF covers the following topics related to Fundamentals of Computer Programming with CSharp : Introduction to Programming, Primitive Types and Variable, Operators and Expressions, Console Input and Output, Conditional Statements, Loops, Arrays, Numeral Systems , Methods, Recursion, Creating and Using Objects,  Exception Handling, Strings and Text Processing, Defining Classes, Text Files, Linear Data Structures, Trees and Graphs, Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets, Data Structures and Algorithm Complexity, Object-Oriented Programming Principles, High-Quality Programming Code, Lambda Expressions and LINQ, Methodology of Problem Solving.

s1122 Pages

CSharp Programming Yellow Book

This PDF covers the following topics related to CSharp Programming : Introduction, Computers and Programs, Simple Data Processing, Creating Programs, Creating Solutions, Advanced Programming.

s217 Pages

Learning Win32 API

WinAPI is an application programming interface written in C by Microsoft to allow access to Windows features. This PDF covers the following topics related to Win32 Windows API : Getting started with Win32 API, Ansi- and Wide-character functions, Dealing with windows, Error reporting and handling, File Management, Process and Thread Management, Utilizing MSDN Documentation, Window messages, Windows Services, Windows Subclassing.

s37 Pages

Introduction to Visual Studio and Csharp

This PDF covers the following topics related to Visual Studio and CSharp : Introduction, Visual Studio, Windows Programming, Getting Started with C

s49 Pages

Dot Net Technology Notes

The .NET is the technology from Microsoft, on which all other Microsoft technologies will be depending on in future. This PDF covers the following topics related to Microsoft Dotnet : The .Net Framework Introduction, C -Sharp Language (C

s118 Pages

DotNET fundamentals documentation

This PDF covers the following topics related to Microsoft Dotnet : What is .NET?, Introduction to .NET, .NET languages, .NET Standard Common Language Runtime,  .NET Core support policy, What's new in .NET 8, What's new in .NET 7, What's new in .NET 6, What's new in .NET 5, What's new in .NET Core 3.1, What's new in .NET Core 3.0, Install .NET, Select which .NET version to use, Install .NET SDK, Install .NET runtime, Use a Linux package manager to install, Check installed versions, .NET SDK and runtime dependencies, Get started with .NET, Get started with .NET, Get started with ASP.NET, Core .NET on QandA, .NET tech community forums, Tutorial, etc.

s2953 Pages

Windows Programming LPU

This PDF covers the following topics related to Windows Programming : Windows Programming Basics, Windows Memory Management, Windows Programming, Windows Controls,Memory Management, Character Sets, Fonts and the Keyboard, File I/O, Child and Pop Up Windows, Menus, Dialog Boxes, Windows GDI, Text and Graphics Output.

s241 Pages

SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Administrators Guide

Currently this section contains no detailed description for the page, will update this page soon.

s Pages

Systems Programming under Windows

This PDF covers the following topics related to Windows Systems Programming : MSDN and Visual Studio, General C/C++, Debugging, Multi-Threading.

s25 Pages

Windows 10 System Programming

The term System Programming refers to programming close to an operating system level. Windows 10 System Programming provides guidance for system programmers targetting modern Windows systems, from Windows 7 up to the latest Windows 10 versions. This PDF book covers the following topics related to Windows Systems Programming : Introduction, Foundations, Objects and Handles, Processes, Jobs, Thread basics, Thread Scheduling, Thread Pools, Advanced Threading, File and Device I/O, Memory Management Fundamentals.

s629 Pages