Biology BooksParasitology Books




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Lecture note on Parasitology

Lecture note on Parasitology

This lecture note covers introduction to parasitology, Overview of parasitology, protozoan parasites, Protozoan Parasites, Helminth parasites and arthropod parasites.

s136 Pages
Parasites and Parasitic Diseases

Parasites and Parasitic Diseases

Parasitic diseases are considered nowadays as an important public health problem due to the high morbidity and mortality rates registered in the world. These diseases result in more severe consequences for the social order of tropical and subtropical countries because many of them have low economic income that makes it even more difficult to design and implement health control programs.

sNA Pages
Parasitology     Lecture Notes Carter Center

Parasitology Lecture Notes Carter Center

This lecture note is devoted to providing general aspects of parasitology in addition to covering human parasites in two major groups -the protozoa and helminths including their distribution, habitat, morphology, life cycle, pathogenicity, prevention and control, laboratory diagnosis and their relevance to Ethiopia. It has also appendices, which discuss the collection of laboratory specimens, preservatives of stool sample, frequently used parasitological diagnostic methods and reagent preparation.

s284 Pages
Diagnosing     Medical Parasites A Public Health Officers Guide To Assisting Laboratory     And Medical Officers

Diagnosing Medical Parasites A Public Health Officers Guide To Assisting Laboratory And Medical Officers

This book covers the following topics: The Ameba, The Ciliates, Coccidia, and Microsporidia, The Flagellates, The Cestodes (Tapeworms), The Nematodes (Roundworms), The Trematodes (Flukes), Unusual Tissue Dwelling Nematodes, Larval Cestodes and Nematodes which Infect Man, Malaria, The Blood Nematodes, Babesia, Trypanosomes, and Leishmania, Arthropod Vectors, Artifacts and Confounders.

s286 Pages
Parasitology or Mycology Lecture Guide

Parasitology or Mycology Lecture Guide

This note deals with the subjects of clinical parasitology and medical mycology. It explains the following topics: Introduction to Parasitology, Nematodes, Cestodes, Trematodes, Intestinal Protozoa, Blood and Tissue Protozoa, Malaria, Arthropods and Mycology.

sNA Pages
Intestinal Parasites

Intestinal Parasites

This note covers the following topics: Intestinal Protozoa, Intestinal Helminths, Extra-Intestinal Parasites: Protozoa, Helminths, Arthropods.

sNA Pages
Immunity to Parasites (PDF 15P)

Immunity to Parasites (PDF 15P)

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Genetic variability m parasites and host parasite interactions (PDF 16P)

Genetic variability m parasites and host parasite interactions (PDF 16P)

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sNA Pages
Parasitology Notes

Parasitology Notes

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sNA Pages
Lecture Notes Parasitology (PDF 18P)

Lecture Notes Parasitology (PDF 18P)

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