Biology BooksCell Biology Books

Basic Cell and Molecular Biology

Basic Cell and Molecular Biology

Basic Cell and Molecular Biology

This book is a very comprehensive text for understanding cell biology. Topics covered includes: Details of Protein Structure, Bioenergetics, Enzyme Catalysis and Kinetics, Glycolysis, the Krebs Cycle and the Atkins Diet, Electron Transport, Oxidative Phosphorylation and Photosynthesis, DNA Structure, Chromosomes and Chromatin, Details of DNA Replication and  DNA Repair, Transcription and RNA Processing, The Genetic Code and Translation, Regulation of Transcription and Epigenetic Inheritance, Post-Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression, Repetitive DNA, A Eukaryotic Genomic Phenomenon, DNA Technologies, Membrane Structure, Membrane Function, The Cytoskeleton and Cell Motility, Cell Division and the Cell Cycle, The Origins of Life.


sNA Pages
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