Biology BooksAgriculture Books

Crops and Methods for Soil Improvement

Crops and Methods for Soil Improvement

Crops and Methods for Soil Improvement

This book covers the following topics: Natural strength of land, Plant constituents, Organic matter, Drainage, The Need of Lime, Applying Lime, Crop-rotation, Fertilizers , Tillage, Control of soil moisture.


sNA Pages
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Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Department

Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Department

This note covers Agriculture, Horticulture and Plantation Crops, Agricultural Engineering, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Sugar, Seed Certification and Organic Certification, Agricultural Marketing and Agri Business, Tamil Nadu Watershed Development Agency and Demand.

s254 Pages
Basic Agriculture Student Handbook

Basic Agriculture Student Handbook

Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy, as we are growing hundreds of cereals, pulses, oil seeds, fruits and vegetables. Topics covered includes: Agricultural Production and Management, Production and Management of Horticultural Crops, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Post Production Handling, Packaging and Processing of Animal Products, Seed Production and Nursery Management, Entrepreneurial Skill Development.

s208 Pages
The First Book of Farming

The First Book of Farming

The object in presenting the book to the general public is the hope that it may be of assistance to farmers, students and teachers, in their search for the fundamental truths and principles of farming. Topics covered includes: Roots, Soils, Relation Of Soils To Water, Forms Of Soil Water, Loss Of Soil Water, Soil Temperature, Plant Food In The Soil, Seeds, Seed Planting, Spading And Plowing, Harrowing And Rolling, Leaves, A Fertile Soil, Soil Water, Farm Manures, Commercial Fertilizers, Rotation Of Crops, Farm Drainage.

sNA Pages
Farm and Ranch Management

Farm and Ranch Management

The objectives of this note are to introduce you to principles of management and decision making that are applicable to farm and ranch firms and other agricultural businesses, and to develop skills in applying these principles to realistic management situations. Topics covered includes: Role of Management, Tools of Financial Management, Application of Economic Principles in Management, Planning and Enterprise budgets, Business Organization, Decision making under uncertainty.

sNA Pages
Illinois Agronomy Handbook

Illinois Agronomy Handbook

This guide explains the following topics: Weather and Crops Steven, Corn, Soybean, Small Grains and Grain, Cropping Systems, Hay and Pasture, Water Quality, Managing Soil pH and Crop Nutrients, Managing Nitrogen, Soil Management and Tillage, Water Management, Weed Management, Managing Insect Pests, Managing Diseases and Nematodes.

sNA Pages
Urban Agriculture by Mohamed Samer

Urban Agriculture by Mohamed Samer

This book provides useful information about Urban Agriculture, which includes the production of crops in small to large lots, vertical production on walls, windows, rooftops, urban gardens, farmer's markets, economic models of urban gardening, peri-urban agricultural systems, and spatial planning and evolution of the land uses. Additionally, this book elucidates further agricultural technologies, such as the aquaculture systems.

s138 Pages
Farm science; a foundation textbook on agriculture

Farm science; a foundation textbook on agriculture

The aim of this book is to explain to the farm boy the facts about farming that have puzzled him. There are many mysteries that are not mysteries to. the average boy, for the simple reason that he has never recognized their existence. No attempt is made in these pages to introduce the student to new mysteries except such as are necessary in connection with a proper explanation of those he has actually met in his experience on the farm. The primary idea underlying the book is to enable the farm boy to understand the reasons for the things he has observed but does not understand.

s368 Pages
Agricultural Finance and Co operation (PDF 96P)

Agricultural Finance and Co operation (PDF 96P)

This note covers the following topics: Time Value of Money, Agricultural Credit, Credit Analysis, History of Financing Agri , Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks, Higher Financing Institutions, Insurance and Credit, Crop Insurance and Agricultural Cooperation.

sNA Pages
An Introduction to Agriculture and Agronomy (PDF 21p)

An Introduction to Agriculture and Agronomy (PDF 21p)

Currently this section contains no detailed description for the page, will update this page soon.

sNA Pages
Principles of Agricultural Economics (PDF 86p)

Principles of Agricultural Economics (PDF 86p)

Currently this section contains no detailed description for the page, will update this page soon.

sNA Pages