Plant physiology is the science
which is connected to the material and energy exchange, growth and development,
as well as movement of plant. Plant physiology is the science that studies plant
function: what is going on in plants that accounts for their being alive. The
contents of this notes are as follows : Water and nutrients in plant, Production
of primary and secondary metabolites, Physiology of plant growth and
development, Physiology of plant growth and development, etc.
This book explains the
following topics: What is Plant Propagation, Propagation in the Past, Modern
Propagation, Sexual Increase of Plants, Vegetative Propagation, Tools and
Equipment, Soils and Growing Media, Propagation in Different Climates, The
Propagation Environment, Plant Problems, Taking Cuttings, Sowing Seeds, Grafting
and Budding, Layering.
book explains the following topics: The Propagation Environment, Biology of
Plants, Development of Seeds, Seed Selection, Seed Production and Handling,
Principles of Propagation from Seeds, Techniques of Propagation by Seeds and
Cuttings, Principles of Grafting and Budding, Techniques of Grafting,
Propagation by Specialized Stems and Roots, Principles and Practices of Clonal
Selection, Principles of Tissue Culture and Micropropagation, Techniques for
Micropropagation and Grafting.
Author(s): Dr. Mark C. Starret, The University of Vermont
Objective of this book is to provide light micrographs of the types
of cells and tissues that students typically examine in a plant anatomy course.
All micrographs are accompanied by figure legends to help the viewer interpret
and understand the structures presented. Each chapter in this web site consists
of numerous pages, each with a micrograph and an explanatory text.