Biology BooksAgriculture Books




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sNA Pages
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Lecture Note on Agriculture

This lecture note explains the following topics: The evolution of agriculture, Agro ecosystem, Impact of agriculture on environment, Impact of environment on agriculture, Sustainability the new paradigm, Land, Water, Biodiversity, Energy, Off farm inputs, Integrated resource management, Integrated farming systems, Integrated disease, Pest and weed management, Imperatives, New technologies, Agricultural waste management and Alternative management.

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Lecture Note on Agricultural Economics

Lecture Note on Agricultural Economics

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Crops and Methods for Soil Improvement

Crops and Methods for Soil Improvement

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Automation in Agriculture

Automation in Agriculture

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This note explains the following topics: Production Economics, Nature and scope of Agricultural Production Economics, Basic concepts and terms, Meaning and types of production functions, Laws of returns, Factor-product relationship, Determination of optimum input and output, Factor-factor relationship, product-product relationship, Type of enterprise relationship, Returns to scale: meaning, definition, importance, Farm management ,Typical farm management decisions, Economic principles applied to the organization of farm business, Types and systems of farming, Cost concepts and farm efficiency, Farm planning and budgeting, Risk and uncertainty, Linear programming: Assumption, advantages and limitations of linear programming.

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Plant Breeding from Laboratories to Fields

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Principles of Agricultural Economics (PDF 86p)

Principles of Agricultural Economics (PDF 86p)

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sNA Pages