This book that
serves to initiate African students in the world-wide HRM community, while
simultaneously enabling them to create their own HRM policies in accordance with
circumstances in their countries. As such, it is definitely a unique book.
Topics covered includes: Strategic human resource management, Human resource
policies, Employee resourcing, Recruitment and selection, Performance
management, Reward systems management, Human resource development, Employee
relations, Talent and competency based human resource management, International
human resource management, Recruitment and performance appraisal in the public
sector, Recruitment and retention of human resource for health.
This note covers the following topics: introduction to Personnel Management,
Emerging Role of Personnel Management, Personnel Policies, Personnel Records,
Audit and Research, Human Resource Planning, Job and Role
Analysis, Recruitment and Selection, Human Resource Accounting and Information
System, Employee Training, Management Development, Performance Appraisal, Wage
and Salary Administration and Incentives and Employee Benefits.
Author(s): School of Distance Education Bharathiar
University, Coimbatore
This note covers concept
and definitions of HRM, Evolution and development of HRM, Nature of HRM,
Objectives of HRM, Scope of HRM, Role of HRM, Importance of HRM, Functions of
HRM, Role of HR Manager and challenges of HRM in Indian economy.
PDF covers the following topics related to Introduction to Human Resource
Management : Introduction, Objectives, Concept of Human Resource Management (HRM),
Growth drivers of HRM in India, Role of HRM, Characteristics of Hospitality
Industry, HR Challenges, Man Power Planning/Human Resource Planning (HRP),
Managing Workers.
This book online covers the following topics related to Human
Resource Management : The Role of Human Resources, Developing and Implementing
Strategic HRM Plans, Diversity and Multiculturalism, Recruitment, Selection,
Compensation and Benefits, Retention and Motivation, Training and Development,
Successful Employee Communication, Managing Employee Performance, Employee
Assessment, Working with Labor Unions, Safety and Health at Work, International
Author(s): University of Minnesota Libraries
This PDF
book covers the following topics related to Human Resource Management : The Role
of Human Resources, Developing and Implementing Strategic HRM Plans, Diversity
and Multiculturalism, Recruitment, Compensation and Benefits, Retention and
Motivation, Training and Development, Successful Employee Communication,
Managing Employee Performance, Employee Assessment, Working with Labor Unions,
Safety and Health at Work, International HRM.