Biology BooksZoology Books

A Guide for the Study of Animals

A Guide for the Study of Animals

A Guide for the Study of Animals

This guide to the study of animals is intended for pupils in secondary schools. Topics covered includes: Introductory Studies of Living Animals, Studies of Insects, The Connection between Structure and Function, Adaptation to Surroundings, Adaptation for Protection from Enemies, Vertebrates, Adaptations for the Preservation of the Species, Poultry.


sNA Pages
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The Human Side of Animals

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Practical Zoology By Uttarakhand Open University

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Zoological Illustrations

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General Zoology Lecture Notes and Handouts

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Life History Notes on Some Egyptian Solitary Wasps and Bees and Their Associates (PDF 24p)

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The mismeasure of islands implications for biogeographical theory and the conservation of nature (21P)

Currently this section contains no detailed description for the page, will update this page soon.

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Notes on the Indo Australian basicerotine ants (Hymenoptera Formicidae)

Notes on the Indo Australian basicerotine ants (Hymenoptera Formicidae)

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