This PDF Aerobiology, Image Analysis and Allergenicity
Of Pollen and Spores in Singapore covers the following topics related to
Aerobiology : Allergy, Allergens, Trends in Allergic Diseases,
Aerobiology in Singapore, Materials and Methods, Results,
Discussion, Identification of Airspora Components by Image Analysis, Development
of a Dot Immunoarray System for Simultaneous Detection of a Large Array of
Allergen-specific Ige Molecules, Airspora Allergy in Singapore.
Author(s): Ong Tan Ching, B. Sc. (Honours),
Universiti Putra Malaysia
This PDF Aerobiology, Image Analysis and Allergenicity
Of Pollen and Spores in Singapore covers the following topics related to
Aerobiology : Allergy, Allergens, Trends in Allergic Diseases,
Aerobiology in Singapore, Materials and Methods, Results,
Discussion, Identification of Airspora Components by Image Analysis, Development
of a Dot Immunoarray System for Simultaneous Detection of a Large Array of
Allergen-specific Ige Molecules, Airspora Allergy in Singapore.
Author(s): Ong Tan Ching, B. Sc. (Honours),
Universiti Putra Malaysia
note covers the following topics: Importance of infection control for
respiratory infections, Hierarchy of controls to reduce risk of transmission of
respiratory pathogens , Environmental controls, High-risk settings and TB
Author(s): Directorate
General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, India