This PDF Aerobiology, Image Analysis and Allergenicity
Of Pollen and Spores in Singapore covers the following topics related to
Aerobiology : Allergy, Allergens, Trends in Allergic Diseases,
Aerobiology in Singapore, Materials and Methods, Results,
Discussion, Identification of Airspora Components by Image Analysis, Development
of a Dot Immunoarray System for Simultaneous Detection of a Large Array of
Allergen-specific Ige Molecules, Airspora Allergy in Singapore.
Author(s): Ong Tan Ching, B. Sc. (Honours),
Universiti Putra Malaysia
note covers the following topics: Importance of infection control for
respiratory infections, Hierarchy of controls to reduce risk of transmission of
respiratory pathogens , Environmental controls, High-risk settings and TB
Author(s): Directorate
General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, India
This note covers the following topics: Definition of
Aerobiology, Airborne particle size range, Particles settling in still air,
Particles of biological origin, Aerosols, Aerobiology pathway, Environmental
factors, Layers of the atmosphere, Usefulness of Aerobiology, Dispersal of
allergens, Crop disease epidemiology.