Biology BooksZoology Books

Artistic Anatomy of Animals

Artistic Anatomy of Animals

Artistic Anatomy of Animals

This is a great book for both artists and those interested in animal anatomy. Topics covered includes: Generalities of Comparative Anatomy, Osteology And Arthrology, Myology, Epidermic Products of The Extremities of the Fore and Hind Limbs, Proportions of the Head of The Horse, The Paces of The Horse.


sNA Pages
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Domesticated Animals Their Relation to Man and to his Advancement in Civilization

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Animal Behavior Lecture Notes

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General zoology

General zoology

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National Animal Identification System (PDF 74P)

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ZOOLOGY Notes (PDF 303p)

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Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology (PDF 16p)

This note explains the importance Of Laboratory-raised Snails In Helminthology With Life History Notes On Gyraulus Parvus.

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The basics of Zoological Nomenclature (PDF 24P)

The basics of Zoological Nomenclature (PDF 24P)

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