Biology BooksZoology Books

Developmental Biology and Applied Zoology

Developmental Biology and Applied Zoology

Developmental Biology and Applied Zoology

This note explain the following topics: Developmental Biology, Fertilization, Cleavage and embryonic induction, Blastulation and Gastrulation in Frog and Chick,Aquaculture, Sericulture, Lac Culture, Poultry, Economic importance of Mammals, Store grain pests, Pest Management, Parasitology.


s383 Pages
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The Crayfish An Introduction to the Study of Zoology

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Currently this section contains no detailed description for the page, will update this page soon.

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Life History Notes on Some Egyptian Solitary Wasps and Bees and Their Associates (PDF 24p)

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Notes on the Indo Australian basicerotine ants (Hymenoptera Formicidae)

Notes on the Indo Australian basicerotine ants (Hymenoptera Formicidae)

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