Effects of Past Global Change on Life
This page covers the following topics
related to Biogeography : Terminal Paleocene Mass Extinction in the Deep Sea:
Association with Global Warming, Pollen Records of Late Quaternary Vegetation
Change: Plant Community Rearrangements and Evolutionary Implications, Impact of
Late Ordovician Glaciation-Deglaciation on Marine Life, Tropical Climate
Stability and Implications for the Distribution of Life, The Impact of Climatic
Changes on the Development of the Australian Flora, The Response of
Hierarchially Structured Ecosystems to Long-Term Climatic Change: A Case Study
using Tropical Peat Swamps of Pennsylvanian Age, The Late Cretaceous and
Cenozoic History of Vegetation and Climate at Northern and Southern High
Latitudes: A Comparison, Global Climatic Influence on Cenozoic Land Mammal
Author(s): National Research Council (US) Panel
on Effects of Past Global Change on Life
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