site contains notes in the following topics : Bioengineering Science, Biology
Science, Chemistry Science, Biological Engineering, BioMechanical Engineering,
BioMEMS, Bioengineering in Aero/Astro, Bioengineering in Chemical Engineering,
Bioengineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bioengineering in
Computer Science, Biomaterial Sciences, Topics in Biological Engineering.
Author(s): Prof. Douglas Lauffenburger, Prof. Paul T.
Matsudaira, Prof. Angela M. Belcher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
This PDF book
Biomaterials Science And Engineering covers the following topics related to
Bioengineering : Biomaterials and Sol–Gel Process: A Methodology for the
Preparation of Functional Materials, Development of DNA Based Active
Macro–Materials for Biology and Medicine, Porous Apatite Coating on Various
Titanium Metallic Materials via Low Temperature Processing, Self–Assembled
Peptide Nanostructures for Biomedical Applications: Advantages and Challenges,
Preparation of Nanocellulose with Cation–Exchange Resin Catalysed Hydrolysis,
The Role of Biodegradable Engineered Scaffold in Tissue Engineering, Optical
Detection of Protein Adsorption on Doped Titanium Surface, Biomaterials and
Biotechnology Schemes Utilizing TiO2 Nanotube Arrays, Cartilage Tissue
Engineering Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells and 3D Chitosan Scaffolds – In vitro
and in vivo Assays, Low Modulus Titanium Alloys for Inhibiting Bone Atrophy,
Mesopore Bioglass or Silk Composite Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering, To Build
or Not to Build: The Interface of Bone Graft Substitute Materials in Biological
Media from the View Point of the Cells, Mechanobiology of Oral Implantable
Devices, etc.
This note covers the following topics:
Ordinary differential equations (ODEs), and initial and boundary conditions,
Eigenvalue and eigenvector analysis, Analytical and numerical techniques for
solving ODE, Heat equation, Analytical solution to inhomogeneous PDEs using
Green's functions.
This note is an introduction to the engineering of synthetic
biological systems. Topics covered includes: components and control of
prokaryotic and eukaryotic behavior, DNA synthesis, standards, and abstraction
in biological engineering, issues of human practice, including biological
safety; security; ownership, sharing, and innovation; and ethics. Enrollment
preference is given to freshmen.
Author(s): Dr. Natalie Kuldell and Prof.
Andrew Endy
This book provides an
example of the successful and rapid expansion of bioengineering within the world
of the science. It includes a core of studies on bioengineering technology
applications so important that their progress is expected to improve both human
health and ecosystem.