Biology BooksMammalogy Books

Mammalian anatomy with special reference to the cat

Mammalian anatomy with special reference to the cat

Mammalian anatomy with special reference to the cat

This book covers the following topics: The Skin and Its Appendages, Skeleton, General Terms Used in Description of Bones, Vertebral Column, Digestion, Muscles, Development of Vascular System, Development of Heart, Development of Aortic Arches, Development of Venous System, Lymphatic System, Development of Lymphatic System, Ductless Glands, Respiratory System.


s312 Pages
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Mammalogy by Jack Sullivan

This book covers the following topics: Introduction to Mammals, Origin of Mammals, Early Mammals and Monotremes, Metatherian Diversity, Eutherian Diversity, Mammalian Species, Evolution of Ear Ossicles and Mammalian Anatomy.

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Elements of mammalogy prepared for the use of schools and colleges

Elements of mammalogy prepared for the use of schools and colleges

This book is designed solely to facilitate the primary studies of those who desire to become acquainted with that branch of natural history, which treats of mammiferous animals.

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